Banned because I felt like it. I don't have to explain everything I do. Double banned because I don't even know. Tripled banned because you're not my senpai!Fourth banned because you're lazy. Fifth banned because I'm a writer, that's what I do. Sixth banned because I'm not Porter, you are!
Banned because you can't really say that I'm not always okay, because you don't know that. Also banned for not remembering me saying that I don't go to school anymore.
Banned because I try to just swallow the pills but they leave a nasty aftertaste D:
Banned because okay weirdo. Second ban because yes you do. Third ban because you do know. Fourth ban because you're lazy as well. Fifth ban because I am your senpai. ^^ Fifth ban because you're a write not a typer. Sixth ban because who's Porter?
Banned because thanks, crane. Second banned because nah. Third banned because nope. Fourth banned for accusing me of being lazy. Fifth banned because you are not my senpai. Sixth banned for banning me twice for "fifth". Seventh banned because you call yourself an ACNL player! O.O
Banned because thanks person who wears a hoodie with a gas mask, has pale skin like a albino, and has black hair. Second ban because you don't even know why you said nah. Third ban because you don't know why you said nope. Fourth ban because you stated in this thread that you were lazy. Fifth ban because I am your senpai. Sixth ban for noticing that. Seventh ban because I told you I can write the same ban twice. Eighth ban because now I know who you're talking about after you said that. Ninth ban because the monkey who drives the train.![]()
Banned because okay weirdo. Second ban because yes you do. Third ban because you do know. Fourth ban because you're lazy as well. Fifth ban because I am your senpai. ^^ Fifth ban because you're a write not a typer. Sixth ban because who's Porter?
- - - Post Merge - - -
Banned because there's no one in the world that's always okay. Second ban because do you have a job Veronica?
Banned for not knowing who Kaneki Ken is. Second ban because I am easily distracted and I'm forgetting what half these bans means. Third ban because you're right. Fourth ban because sometimes, I am. Fifth ban because nope. Sixth ban because I notice a lot of things. Seventh ban because it's weird when you do. Eight ban because you just now realized it. Ninth ban because yup.
Banned because everyone is always okay, until they're not, and by then, they're dead. Banned again, because no.
Banned because I already forgot the two animes you recommended me to watch. Second ban because it's mean not means. Third ban because there is enough evidence to say I'm always right. Fourth ban because I'm right again. Fifth ban because yep. Sixth ban because I guess since you write the word notice or noticing a lot. Seventh ban because I was about to write the eighth ban instead. Eighth ban because how is that weird? Ninth ban because please don't say I don't know. 10th ban because don't *shrug* either. 11th ban because it's eighth not eight. 12th ban because I haven't played ACNL in a long time. 13th ban because give me a break okay? 14th ban because I'm right. AGAIN.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Banned because I'm not okay right now so what are you talking about? Banned because what do you do then?
Banned because why?
Also banned because I exist. That's what I do.
Banned because I was joking. Also banned because I want to live your life.
Banned because it's amazing.
Banned because are you ever going to get a job?
Banned because I already forgot the two animes you recommended me to watch. Second ban because it's mean not means. Third ban because there is enough evidence to say I'm always right. Fourth ban because I'm right again. Fifth ban because yep. Sixth ban because I guess since you write the word notice or noticing a lot. Seventh ban because I was about to write the eighth ban instead. Eighth ban because how is that weird? Ninth ban because please don't say I don't know. 10th ban because don't *shrug* either. 11th ban because it's eighth not eight. 12th ban because I haven't played ACNL in a long time. 13th ban because give me a break okay? 14th ban because I'm right. AGAIN.
Banned because yes. Also banned because I have to get my GED first. I start taking classes in June.
Banned because I'm not okay right now
Banned because you're going to college?
Banned because I forgot too. I think it was Death Note and PMMM? Not sure. Second ban because whatever. Third ban because whatever. Fourth ban because okay. Fifth ban because okay. Sixth ban because it's my thing. Seventh ban because lol. Eight ban because it just is. Ninth ban because idk. XD Tenth ban because *shrug* Eleventh ban because whatever. Twelfth ban because same but I know who Porter is. Thirteenth ban because go to bed. Fourteenth ban because whatever.
Banned because I was scrolling up, to make sure I didn't miss anything, and I almost got really concerned.
Double banned for almost concerning me.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Banned because I'm going to a college to take GED June.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Banning both of you, because y'all ignored Lolipup.
Banned because just reading this paragraph shows that you have a low IQ. Second ban because whatever, okay, lol, and short answers are not good enough for me. Third ban because whatever I'll forget these animes too. Fourth ban because you should give me a list of animes that a male and female can watch. Fifth ban because I know you watch those girl shows. Sixth ban because you should just agree that I'm always right. Seventh ban because that also shows that you're lazy. Eighth ban because how do you write books being that you are so lazy? Ninth ban because no it's my thing. 10th ban because you owe me your life. 11th ban because since you owe me your life your things are mine too. 12th ban because that is not a valid answer. 13th ban because this is getting long again. 14th ban because this is not role playing so stop it. 15th ban because I have enough paragraphs to last me through college. 16th ban because I said to stop saying I don't know. -.- 17th ban for not listening to me. 18th ban because I bet you're not going to read this. 19th ban because why do you disobey me kohai? 20th ban for saying whatever yet again. 21st ban because I bet you don't know the villager in my avatar. 22nd ban because I'll go to bed when you go to.. never mind. 23rd ban because ew I'm being romantic. 24th ban because you are banned from saying whatever, notice, ~, lol, okay. 25th ban because damn I'm good.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Banned because you should be concerned after insulting me for so long. Double ban because that sucks because I'll be on break in June. Third ban because haha. Fourth ban because oh wait, you don't have school right now. Fifth ban because lucky. Sixth ban because Lolipup really hates me.
Banned for thinking I hate you? D: