Banned for making my eyes bleed. Second ban because I'm getting bored of this and you like long answer. Third ban because I can pester your inbox but I won't because too much work.
I'm only lazy on certain things, okay? Fourth ban because I can do that, if you want. Fifth ban because I like psychological thrillers not "girly shows".

Sixth banned because depends on what you're right about. Seventh banned because I'm lazy
sometimes. Eighth ban because magic. Ninth ban for trying to steal my thing. Tenth ban for wanting my life. Eleventh banned because nope. Twelfth ban because I have no patience for this. Thirteenth ban because yes, it is... Fourteenth ban because I blame you. Fifteenth ban because good job! Sixteenth ban because idk. X'D Seventeenth ban because I do what I do. Eighteenth ban because you're wrong. Nineteenth ban because you're not my senpai, so stop it! Twentieth ban for trying to control me. 21st ban because it's Gladys.

22nd ban because you don't want to leave first. 23rd ban for making me throw up in my mouth a bit. 24th ban because you can't stop me. I'll whatever whenever I want to whatever. 25th ban for thinking you're "good" when you're not.
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Banned because I'm already talking to her offsite, so I'm not ignoring her.