What I'm getting at is, if you know people are going to outright question you and be sus (like they were) why do it? why draw unnecessary attention to yourself?
I'm not going to go against my own ideologies in the game just so people don't think I'm suspicious. I'll stick to what I think in a case like this, and if people look down on me for it, there's really not much I can do about it other than explain that it's something I don't view from the same perspective as others.
And if you hate the RQS and early game, what do you propose we do?
You're really twisting my words here. First of all, I never said that I hate RQs, only that I preferred not to answer some of them. There's a big difference between those two things. Saying that I hate RQs would pretty much be saying that I completely disagree with anybody even answering them in the first place, and they should all just be thrown away from the get-go. As you can clearly see in the post I linked, that's not at all what I'm trying to do. I just feel like the questions I didn't answer are easy to misconstrue and make people get the wrong idea of what someone is trying to say with some given answers.
The same applies for me "hating" the early game. When did I ever say or imply that I hated the early-game? Not once. I do think that it's a bit more of a drag than mid- and late-game, since there's not as much information to go off of, but I'm not just gonna sit on my ass and wait for mid- and late-game to come around to actually do anything. It'd be as simple as sitting and not making these longer posts, waiting for someone else to say things for me, if I really hated the early-game, and wanted it to get out of the way as quickly as possible.
because while Apple's methods are unconventional and can be taken as crap-posting, it is getting us some discussion at least
I suppose that's fair to say, though I disagree with the way in which he carried it out. Simply saying that someone is scum without bringing up anything whatsoever, then proceeding to slap on a vote because you're certain said person is scum, just seems kind of wrong.