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THIEF! People, stop stealing.

I added someone from the island not too long ago who keeps constantly asking me to open my gate, or to give him bells. Needless to say, I don't do either. Don't trust the guy one bit. Just don't trust anyone my friend.
Awh i'm so sorry to hear :( that's very unfortunate and it's sad to say there are alot of people who can't be trusted thats why i make sure always that theres only one person at my town at a time and if more than 1 then i keep an on them because you never know honestly even if wifi ratings are good.
Wow some people really lack manners. I think people are willing to give if you asked. I hope I can help you but I just started my town :( wishing you the best
I am always worried about this happening to me.Half the time I have stuff laying on the ground that are important to me. I always delete FC's after I have done a trade, just seems safer to not have random ones around. Its what works for me. Its sad that we have to be so careful, but we all work hard on our towns.

I have some hybrids if you still need any....
I can give you some hybrids if you'd like :) I'm sorry this happened to you..
I never let people wander around in my town because I'm ultra paranoid

I'm only missing an orange cosmo, and I found out yesterday a few hours after I posted this thread that they also stole some purple roses and a purple pansy, also some regular flowers. But no need to give me hybrids, thanks though :)
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Also, if you know it was a member on here, I believe you can privately report them to the mods? Not 100% sure on that though.

Yes, I think you can do that. When I checked my purple roses and pansy yesterday, I remembered that there was a member of Bell Tree Forums that walked around there, so I'm pretty sure it was her. But I don't know her username, though. Thanks :)
Actually this is kind of the reason why i don't bother doing hybrids, well in your case it's best to check their wifi ratings before u invite them plus i suggest that you don't invite more that one person at a time ^^
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I am so sorry this happened to you! I have had someone from the forums stop by my town while I was waiting for someone to come pick up a villager. Needless to say, she stole a blue pansy and a few blue roses. I caught her stealing a few purple roses and that's when I flipped the switch. I know you said you don't want any hybrids, but have a bunch of orange roses that can replace the ones stolen :) If you need anything let me know!
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Oh no! That's terrible.
It happened to me when I first started my town and I had gotten a few hybrids (so I could breed them again to get more) and this girl had put a pretty bad design in my Able Sisters and kept insisting I saved so I wouldn't lose it. I was doing something so I said 'later'.
I walked into my patch of flowers and they were all gone. I switched off my 2DS and deleted the one who I think took them.

Thank goodness I switched my DS off because it would've really held up my breeding progress.

Any way, please people, stop stealing. It's really unpleasant to see that days of work is taken. Not to mention you'll get a bad WiFi rating.
Yeah, this sort of thing hits my berserk button almost instantly.

Just the other day I was visiting someone's town and some imbecile came in after me asking every couple of seconds if she could buy some of the items displayed in the host's house (this is while the host was giving me and another person a tour of her house mind you). She would never say anything that wasn't related to attempting to buy/take an item.

To make things even more irritating, she eventually discarded any sort of subtlety and just rushed out of the house to see if she could pick some things off the ground without anyone noticing. Instead of being able to relax and enjoy this town, everyone there was more or less forced to babysit this miscreant so she couldn't steal anything. The host eventually just disconnected when she started to attempt to force the host to save under the pretense of performing a glitch.

So yeah, these sorts of people ruin things for everyone, not just the owner of a specific town.
People really are a pain to deal with sometimes. :mad:

That's terrible :( I had to do that before too, when some crazy person just barged into town and I had to babysit her so that she wouldn't steal anything. Thanks for sharing :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

And if you're using the new 3DS XL that lacks said switch, you can either hit the power button or disconnect the Wi-Fi via home menu (Top left where the themes are).

Adding because when I got this thing, I couldn't find a way to DC in case something like this happened. The power button is less convenient, but a good failsafe if you're running on the new hardware.

I have the old 3DS XL, so I can just flip the switch. Thanks for the info though :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm sorry this happened to you as well.

Just be a little more cautious and look for people that have good wifi ratings before adding them.
and if it's a new user, Google their 3ds code, and see if they show up on a blacklist somewhere.

Also, you may want to consider picking up a second copy of new leaf one day if you see it on sale somewhere. It will change your outlook on everything in the game.
If you have a town to TT in without risk, you can crank out more hybrids than you'll ever need.
You can even make extras in case of thieves, or if anyone tramples on them.
there will still be some jerks that will screw you, but at least you wont take much of a hit since you can easily make more... but their wifi rating sure will take a hit if they do mess with you.

just something to consder. There's a ton of uses for a second town cartridge, and if you got a friends 3ds to borrow, even more uses.

Hit me up if you ever need any replacement hybrids tho, ill be happy to help.

With a second TTing town, the value of hybrids goes way down, but sharing the love is just that much easier!

Wow, I never thought of actually searching their FC in case they are a scammer. I don't really want a second ACNL game, but it sure makes it easier to get hybrids, also villagers. I wish we wouldn't have to be very careful and just play the game and have fun, instead of running around and trying to stop them from stealing things. It just takes the fun out of the game :( Thanks for the info, and I don't need hybrids at the mo, but thanks :)
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I'm so sorry this happened to you...I'm usually VERY picky about who I let into my town(s), but then I'm kind of paranoid. Thankfully I haven't had anyone steal from me...at least that I can remember.

And I was able to unlock the train station upgrades just from trading between my boyfriend or using my two DSes.

I would make use of the best friend feature in the game...at least then only people you add to your bestie list can come into your town.
I don't open my gates often for this reason. It feels so violating. Sorry it happened to you, thieves ruin it for everyone but themselves. No respect for them.

I see. And yeah, thieves can ruin the fun for everyone playing :( Thanks for sharing :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yeah, also annoying when you giveaway hybrids then someone try's to come back and your like... No... Stop trying to steal more you greedy pig. :/

That's definitely annoying :mad: They should just grow some more on their own or buy some hybrids and not be such a greedy pig. Thanks :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

another bit of advice. As soon as I'm finished with a trade from people on here, I delete their friend code from my 3ds. I only keep personal friends permanently on my system. If I'm just doing a trade with someone on here, I have no reason to keep a stranger on this. it could be safer to do things that way as well

That's good advice, I've actually deleted some friends too because to was getting way too full with strangers. Thanks for the info :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've gotten stolen from three times. Two were Club Tortimer members I was stupid enough to add, and another was a friend of a friend. I know how it feels, just tell everyone to stay close by you and if they start roaming or running around, flip the switch. If you don't have the switch, power off or switch off the router. Not as convenient as the switch, but it's your only choice.

Ugh, people can be so annoying sometimes. Especially if they're stealers. I have the switch, so it's pretty convenient for me. I'll start using it if I get jerks in my town again. :mad: thanks for sharing :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I added someone from the island not too long ago who keeps constantly asking me to open my gate, or to give him bells. Needless to say, I don't do either. Don't trust the guy one bit. Just don't trust anyone my friend.

Thanks for the advice! And sorry that he was annoying you. I'll be careful, so don't sweat it ;) thanks for sharing :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Awh i'm so sorry to hear :( that's very unfortunate and it's sad to say there are alot of people who can't be trusted thats why i make sure always that theres only one person at my town at a time and if more than 1 then i keep an on them because you never know honestly even if wifi ratings are good.

That's true. And I don't really want to resort having one person in the town, because that would be a bit boring to me. I'll just close mah gates after the invited guests come. Thanks :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow some people really lack manners. I think people are willing to give if you asked. I hope I can help you but I just started my town :( wishing you the best

It's fine, I'm actually growing a good lot of them now ^_^ Thanks, and good luck with your town :)

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I'm so sorry! I've never been scammed before but how awful!

It's fine, and it can be awful. Thanks :)

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I am always worried about this happening to me.Half the time I have stuff laying on the ground that are important to me. I always delete FC's after I have done a trade, just seems safer to not have random ones around. Its what works for me. Its sad that we have to be so careful, but we all work hard on our towns.

I have some hybrids if you still need any....

It's such a waste that we have to keep flicking our switches because of stealers. I don't need hybrids now, thanks for offering :)

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Actually this is kind of the reason why i don't bother doing hybrids, well in your case it's best to check their wifi ratings before u invite them plus i suggest that you don't invite more that one person at a time ^^

Yeah, but it sure makes your town pretty ^_^ and I might check their wifi. I kinda feel lonely with one person, so I'll just let the invited guests come and close the gates. Thanks for the info :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I am so sorry this happened to you! I have had someone from the forums stop by my town while I was waiting for someone to come pick up a villager. Needless to say, she stole a blue pansy and a few blue roses. I caught her stealing a few purple roses and that's when I flipped the switch. I know you said you don't want any hybrids, but have a bunch of orange roses that can replace the ones stolen :) If you need anything let me know!

I'm so sorry for you, too! But I'm glad you still have your hybrids ^_^ and thanks for offering, but I actually regrew lots of the missing hybrids now. Thanks though :)
Oh no! That's terrible.
It happened to me when I first started my town and I had gotten a few hybrids (so I could breed them again to get more) and this girl had put a pretty bad design in my Able Sisters and kept insisting I saved so I wouldn't lose it. I was doing something so I said 'later'.
I walked into my patch of flowers and they were all gone. I switched off my 2DS and deleted the one who I think took them.

Thank goodness I switched my DS off because it would've really held up my breeding progress.

Any way, please people, stop stealing. It's really unpleasant to see that days of work is taken. Not to mention you'll get a bad WiFi rating.

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! I hope your hybrids have breeded a lot for you now. And it is really unpleasant :( thanks for the info :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm so sorry this happened to you...I'm usually VERY picky about who I let into my town(s), but then I'm kind of paranoid. Thankfully I haven't had anyone steal from me...at least that I can remember.

And I was able to unlock the train station upgrades just from trading between my boyfriend or using my two DSes.

I would make use of the best friend feature in the game...at least then only people you add to your bestie list can come into your town.

I see. And the bff chat is really amazing, and I'm glad I use it ^_^ thanks for the info :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow, people can be pricks. This is why I usually stick to here when trading.

Mm hmm. But I don't really encounter a lot of scammers here in Bell Tree Forums, except for the one girl who stole from me. Thanks :)
I was having a catalog party with orderable items. A friend gave me the princess set to let people catalog and she had an extra chair in the set. I was too lazy to remove the extra chair and left it with the other pieces. A girl arrived and tried to steal about 4 pieces of the princess. I told her to drop them, but she wouldn't drop one of the chairs. She swore she didn't have it. I could have flipped the wifi, but I decided to let her have it because other people were there catalogging. First she comes over to catalog over 20 sets for FREE, then she steals from me. What is wrong with people ?
This only happened to me once but luckily I saw them and I flipped the switch. I could never figure out who it was because I was doing the train station upgrade and I added so many people. I was doing a giveaway, but I had already finished the upgrade and she came and asked if it was over. I told her the giveaway was over, but I gave her a hybrid because I felt bad. Then I told her to leave, and she wouldnt and kept asking me if she could have my perfect peaches and I told them no repeatedly because they were only offering like 1000 for a basket. Then I told her to leave again and she started picking up my famous mushrooms. It made me so angry, I tried to find out who it was, but I had two threads on here and one on reddit, and I couldn't find them.
This happened at my friends town. Her and I where just playing around, and 2 people came. 1 person was a close friend to the host, and she told me he was good and wouldn't steal anything. The other person kept running away and acting suspicious. I followed her, but she didn't seem to be stealing anything while I was around. Later on, she told us she would do a glitch, so the host had to save. Meanwhile, the host & I were best friend chatting, and talking about how suspicious she was being. The host obviously didn't save, because she had known what was going on as well. Anyways, after we all played, the host told me a few of her flowers had gone missing, because she accidentally saved before hand.
People just need to STOP! especially since there are younger kids on here, and if their flowers or items got stolen, they would get upset.
im sorry this has happened, but an easy solution was to flip the wi-fi switch so nothing would be saved. if you have random friend codes on your list from people you dont know, i recommend deleting them to avoid having this happen in the future. if someone you don't know or didn't invite comes by your town, its already a sign to flip the switch
This happened at my friends town. Her and I where just playing around, and 2 people came. 1 person was a close friend to the host, and she told me he was good and wouldn't steal anything. The other person kept running away and acting suspicious. I followed her, but she didn't seem to be stealing anything while I was around. Later on, she told us she would do a glitch, so the host had to save. Meanwhile, the host & I were best friend chatting, and talking about how suspicious she was being. The host obviously didn't save, because she had known what was going on as well. Anyways, after we all played, the host told me a few of her flowers had gone missing, because she accidentally saved before hand.
People just need to STOP! especially since there are younger kids on here, and if their flowers or items got stolen, they would get upset.

Thank you for sharing our story. I had never heard of the glitch before and it didn't sound legit, and I know lots of glitches. The same person actually came about a week before, when I hadn't friended you yet, and they asked to save "just cuz." I didn't save because it sounded suspicious, but then they left, saving the game. I didn't flip the switch because I can be kinda dumb like that...

I once met a girl on another site, she was my age but she was REALLY immature. Once, she told me she stole perfect pairs from someone else, saying that they probably didn't care (I actually told the person later and they didn't seem to care, but still) and gave them to me. Then, she picks up an item off the ground and I don't know what it is. Me and another friend there told her to put it down, and she refused, saying she was trading the pears for it, but I never agreed to that trade. We started yelling at her but she refused to put down the item, and then she tried to leave, but I flipped the switch. I found out it was my LOVELY PHONE, and over BFF chat she accuses ME as being the wrong person and says "UR SO MEAN I HATE YOU." Oddly the next time we play she seems to completely forget about what happened.
Another time, I had some crowns laying around, and I gave her one. One of my friends who has a sucky connection tried to come in and wifi crashed. When it last saved the crown was in my pocket, but when I reopened the crown wasn't in my pocket anymore... I apologized, saying I had no clue what happened and she seemed to understand (I think, not 100% remembering what happened) and this time the other girl was able to come over. They both wanted crowns, and since I had one more laying around I decided to host a game show (dumb, I know) and they would answer five questions and whoever got the most right got the crown. Around this time the first girl said she saw a crown somewhere. I was assuming it was the crown I saw before I was going to award as a prize. Anyway, we did the thing and the second girl (with bad internet) won... But I couldn't find the other crown either. I asked the first girl where she saw the crown and she refuses to reply, instead getting mad at me and asking where the crown I was going to give her is. I said it disappeared and I had no clue where it was but she doesn't believe me. She keeps demanding but refuses to answer my question. Why would I give her something, and then after a wifi crash refuse to give it to her? And then a guy shows up and the girl seems to find this as an excuse to avoid the question, and she gets into a completely unrelated conversation with him while I'm yelling at her to just tell me where she saw the crown before. And then we continue to fight about it until I get so fed up I call her a m***erf***er and flip the switch. Over BFF chat, she says, "Happy now your highness? Or am I too shallow to fall to your traps?" And I'm just thinking "You little son of a (female dog)..."
Some other time, we were about to go on an island tour, and I sit in the top left chair with the pillows. She gets mad because she says that's "her chair." I decide to she how stupid she can look and refuse to get up. After about ten minutes of her yelling at me, she says she will send her mole guards (aka she'll error). I decided to flip the switch right then, and she gets mad over BFF chat because she thinks she lost all the stuff she caught. But I tell her she didn't lose anything because we went on a tour before that and it saved. She thinks I'm lying, so I tell her to check her box and, prove her wrong. Earlier when we were just catching rare bugs, I told her how much money I had in the bank. She gets determined to have more money than me, and literally every time she caught a rare beetle, she's like "OHHHH IM SO RICH, U JELLY, U JELLY, I KNOW U JELLY" and I say, "When you go home and sell your bugs, tell me if you made 23 million." (What I had in the bank). But she continues to brag like an idiot and I decided to eventually set a tour to shut her up.
My last straw was when me and a friend visited her town, and she started acting like an evil queen and trolling us, and it was working... On me anyway. She kept calling us "chicken" and telling us to come at her and stuff, and I kept cursing at her, until I flipped the switch and deleted her. I know, it sounds stupid, but I have a short temper.
Oh yeah, and this girl LOVED My Little Pony. I have nothing against fans of it but this kid, she talked about it ALL the time and it was so annoying. She also talked immaturely. I will never forget "pirate booty ice cream."

Rant over.