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THIEF! People, stop stealing.

You know what the biggest problem with thieves is? A few missing imaginary flowers mean nothing to me but the mistrust I develop because of it hurts everyone, I rarely bother with inviting everyone and anyone for retail premiums and turnip prices anymore just because I don't like dealing with inviting one person at a time and watching them like a hawk just to avoid theft, even that doesn't guarantee they wont try. One person stole a gold rose while I was watching them, twice. Seriously they stole it, put it back down, donated to a public works project, then stole it again and ran for the train station. I was honestly more amused than bothered so I let them escape but I called them out on it on the disqus forum just to warn others and she vanished forever. I think the account was abandoned but I have the friend code in case I see her again.
Thank you for sharing our story. I had never heard of the glitch before and it didn't sound legit, and I know lots of glitches. The same person actually came about a week before, when I hadn't friended you yet, and they asked to save "just cuz." I didn't save because it sounded suspicious, but then they left, saving the game. I didn't flip the switch because I can be kinda dumb like that...

I once met a girl on another site, she was my age but she was REALLY immature. Once, she told me she stole perfect pairs from someone else, saying that they probably didn't care (I actually told the person later and they didn't seem to care, but still) and gave them to me. Then, she picks up an item off the ground and I don't know what it is. Me and another friend there told her to put it down, and she refused, saying she was trading the pears for it, but I never agreed to that trade. We started yelling at her but she refused to put down the item, and then she tried to leave, but I flipped the switch. I found out it was my LOVELY PHONE, and over BFF chat she accuses ME as being the wrong person and says "UR SO MEAN I HATE YOU." Oddly the next time we play she seems to completely forget about what happened.
Another time, I had some crowns laying around, and I gave her one. One of my friends who has a sucky connection tried to come in and wifi crashed. When it last saved the crown was in my pocket, but when I reopened the crown wasn't in my pocket anymore... I apologized, saying I had no clue what happened and she seemed to understand (I think, not 100% remembering what happened) and this time the other girl was able to come over. They both wanted crowns, and since I had one more laying around I decided to host a game show (dumb, I know) and they would answer five questions and whoever got the most right got the crown. Around this time the first girl said she saw a crown somewhere. I was assuming it was the crown I saw before I was going to award as a prize. Anyway, we did the thing and the second girl (with bad internet) won... But I couldn't find the other crown either. I asked the first girl where she saw the crown and she refuses to reply, instead getting mad at me and asking where the crown I was going to give her is. I said it disappeared and I had no clue where it was but she doesn't believe me. She keeps demanding but refuses to answer my question. Why would I give her something, and then after a wifi crash refuse to give it to her? And then a guy shows up and the girl seems to find this as an excuse to avoid the question, and she gets into a completely unrelated conversation with him while I'm yelling at her to just tell me where she saw the crown before. And then we continue to fight about it until I get so fed up I call her a m***erf***er and flip the switch. Over BFF chat, she says, "Happy now your highness? Or am I too shallow to fall to your traps?" And I'm just thinking "You little son of a (female dog)..."
Some other time, we were about to go on an island tour, and I sit in the top left chair with the pillows. She gets mad because she says that's "her chair." I decide to she how stupid she can look and refuse to get up. After about ten minutes of her yelling at me, she says she will send her mole guards (aka she'll error). I decided to flip the switch right then, and she gets mad over BFF chat because she thinks she lost all the stuff she caught. But I tell her she didn't lose anything because we went on a tour before that and it saved. She thinks I'm lying, so I tell her to check her box and, prove her wrong. Earlier when we were just catching rare bugs, I told her how much money I had in the bank. She gets determined to have more money than me, and literally every time she caught a rare beetle, she's like "OHHHH IM SO RICH, U JELLY, U JELLY, I KNOW U JELLY" and I say, "When you go home and sell your bugs, tell me if you made 23 million." (What I had in the bank). But she continues to brag like an idiot and I decided to eventually set a tour to shut her up.
My last straw was when me and a friend visited her town, and she started acting like an evil queen and trolling us, and it was working... On me anyway. She kept calling us "chicken" and telling us to come at her and stuff, and I kept cursing at her, until I flipped the switch and deleted her. I know, it sounds stupid, but I have a short temper.
Oh yeah, and this girl LOVED My Little Pony. I have nothing against fans of it but this kid, she talked about it ALL the time and it was so annoying. She also talked immaturely. I will never forget "pirate booty ice cream."

Rant over.

No problem. Sharing so people dont give into that kind of stuff.

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This person was the hosts friend of a friend. She didn't know that this would happen.
That happened to me, but with items. I was getting ready to trade a couple of things with a friend, but i saw that someone needed some signatures so i let that person come to get their signatures. I think it's a bit weird to follow visitors around when they're getting petitions signed so i just went into my store. The person said that he had gotten all of his signatures and then thanked me and left. My objects were all gone..... I messaged him about it and he said he accidentally took my stuff and never gave it back or paid for it..... I need to stop trusting people.
No problem. Sharing so people dont give into that kind of stuff.

- - - Post Merge - - -

This person was the hosts friend of a friend. She didn't know that this would happen.

...I thought I was the host. :p

- - - Post Merge - - -

That happened to me, but with items. I was getting ready to trade a couple of things with a friend, but i saw that someone needed some signatures so i let that person come to get their signatures. I think it's a bit weird to follow visitors around when they're getting petitions signed so i just went into my store. The person said that he had gotten all of his signatures and then thanked me and left. My objects were all gone..... I messaged him about it and he said he accidentally took my stuff and never gave it back or paid for it..... I need to stop trusting people.

How do you "accidentally" take stuff? People shouldn't make excuses, it makes them look dumb and dishonest. If you admit what you did wrong people will see you know what you did was wrong and you might get a second chance.
Ugh, sounds horrible! It's never happened to me, fortunately.

People need to stop...

It's not the stolen items that would bother me.

It's the mistrust that would develop between the person and I.
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I always follow whoever is in my town, and if they start to act up/steal items, I hit the START button, and click end session and remove their friendcode. Simple as that. Though, Idk how to recover lost items. Maybe closing the DS for a while will trigger Resetti so it will kick them back. I NEVER let people wander in my town without my supervision.
Just clearing this up, but the glitches ARE REAL. They are 100% Real. And I don't understand why people are getting so worked up over pixels on a screen.
...I thought I was the host. :p

- - - Post Merge - - -

How do you "accidentally" take stuff? People shouldn't make excuses, it makes them look dumb and dishonest. If you admit what you did wrong people will see you know what you did was wrong and you might get a second chance.

Sorry, that sentence didn't make sense. :p
I always follow whoever is in my town, and if they start to act up/steal items, I hit the START button, and click end session and remove their friendcode. Simple as that. Though, Idk how to recover lost items. Maybe closing the DS for a while will trigger Resetti so it will kick them back. I NEVER let people wander in my town without my supervision.

Closing the DS does nothing. In fact, if your gate is open, people can come in, take things, and leave while your DS is in sleep mode.
If you don't have the "New" 3Ds, there will be a wireless switch on the side of the 3Ds. If you flick it, it'll turn off and any wireless stuff you weere doing will be disconnected. In ACNL, anything not saved will be recovered and you will re spawn by the station.
If you have a "New" 3Ds, there's no switch, so your options are to either hit power off or turn off your router (which idk how to do), neither of which are as convenient as the switch.
If it makes you feel better the orange flowers are the ugliest in the game
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I only let one person walk around my town unsupervised and that was the creator of this thread. The total number of people that have been in my town is 4 & I plan to keep that number to as small as possible. I have a few amount of people (like 10) in my friend list and I can always find them on TBT if I need to. But most of my friends have a good WiFi rating so I am a little quicker to trust them
Just clearing this up, but the glitches ARE REAL. They are 100% Real. And I don't understand why people are getting so worked up over pixels on a screen.

You mean the glitches I was talking about? I'm pretty sure there isn't a glitch that requires one person to sit on a stump, the host having to save, then BAM two people sitting on the same stump. That's sounds really fake. I know there's glitches like out of bounds and duping, but they had nothing to do with what was happening.

And even if it's just pixels, it still hurts to have hard work stolen from you from someone too lazy to work for something. And they need to learn stealing is not okay, wether in a video game or in real life.
Closing the DS does nothing. In fact, if your gate is open, people can come in, take things, and leave while your DS is in sleep mode.
If you don't have the "New" 3Ds, there will be a wireless switch on the side of the 3Ds. If you flick it, it'll turn off and any wireless stuff you weere doing will be disconnected. In ACNL, anything not saved will be recovered and you will re spawn by the station.
If you have a "New" 3Ds, there's no switch, so your options are to either hit power off or turn off your router (which idk how to do), neither of which are as convenient as the switch.

I once fell asleep with my gates open. I woke up and discovered that some ***** had dug up all my flowers and bushes, cut down all the trees, and stole anything on the ground.

- - - Post Merge - - -

You mean the glitches I was talking about? I'm pretty sure there isn't a glitch that requires one person to sit on a stump, the host having to save, then BAM two people sitting on the same stump. That's sounds really fake. I know there's glitches like out of bounds and duping, but they had nothing to do with what was happening.

And even if it's just pixels, it still hurts to have hard work stolen from you from someone too lazy to work for something. And they need to learn stealing is not okay, wether in a video game or in real life.

I mean't the other glitches. Never heard of that one. EDIT: And Yes I know how it feels. I just said above how I had my whole town demolished for calling somebody out.
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I once fell asleep with my gates open. I woke up and discovered that some ***** had dug up all my flowers and bushes, cut down all the trees, and stole anything on the ground.

Wow...what an a$$hole. Why did they have to destroy everything?
Bump, I like hearing others stories. I mean, I don't like hearing they got stuff stolen but the stories are entertaining... I'm weird. Goodbye.
Once I let a club tortimer person in my town. 5 minutes later he randomly leaves and puts a message on my board saying thus:


I run around my town having a panic attack and I saw that he ran and killed flowers in my hybrid garden,
And he also took EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY BLUE ROSES. I'm a guy, and I legitamitly cried my eyes out.
I'm now super cautious whenever a person is in my town, I have my finger on the WiFi button 24/7, and if i so much as see one
Flower gone I'm flicking my WiFi button right away. I'm so sorry you had to go thru this, it happens to everybody eventually...
I closely monitor the people who visit. I've never had anyone steal anything...
Usually I only let people I trust run around by themselves.
I only let one person walk around my town unsupervised and that was the creator of this thread. The total number of people that have been in my town is 4 & I plan to keep that number to as small as possible. I have a few amount of people (like 10) in my friend list and I can always find them on TBT if I need to. But most of my friends have a good WiFi rating so I am a little quicker to trust them

OMG, that's my worst nightmare. How can someone be so rude. I don't play a longtime so I'm not very experienced, but last week I had someone very suspicious in my town. She was moving so fast that I gave up watching her. Suddenly out of the blue she was leaving. I reseted my ds directly. Didn't know she actually stole something but I had a very bad feeling about it!