This is gonna kill me

Dec 7, 2005
Okay so my battery just died because I only charged my DS a little bit last night. I intended to charge it at my girlfriend's house (she has an SP) and completely forgot. So now I'm at work, and I've got all day to play - only I've got a dead battery and no adapter.

I think I'm gonna have to buy ANOTHER adapter and just keep it in my bag at all times.

I hate the idea of this village going on with out me.

Good news, though. Just paid off my first loan!
Sounds like a job I'd like.


I only have one AC Adapter, and it goes everywhere with my DS. I have a case for it that stores my DS, games (GBA and DS), headphones and AC Adapter. I once saw a hand crank on, but it seems like something that would be really noisy and get people ticked off.

:p A car charger might find its way in to my possesion if I ever go on a long car trip.
Mino said:
Sounds like a job I'd like.


I only have one AC Adapter, and it goes everywhere with my DS. I have a case for it that stores my DS, games (GBA and DS), headphones and AC Adapter. I once saw a hand crank on, but it seems like something that would be really noisy and get people ticked off.

:p A car charger might find its way in to my possesion if I ever go on a long car trip.
i've got a car charger is awsome

my DS battery has almost never died
