XGT said:
he is saying the DS probaly has horible battery life... doesn't the PSP have a lot worse battery life?
yes, PSP's is 3 hours DS's is 11
wow, he is really wrong then =/
he keeps saying stuff like probably... and i don't know
and wow... the PSP has widescreen! thats sooooo awsome >_<
He really knows nothing... lots of people know what DS stands for, he keeps saying i heard it on the radio, and news... he just doesnt know what he is talking about, sure some things are right but a lot, are wrong.
edit: right when i hit play, he just said he knew a lot about the DS >_<
edit2: He said that the DS isn't going to be a controller for the PS3, NO DUH!!!!!
edit3: OMG.... he is complaining that a DS can't hook up with a PSP...
well no @&#%! You could also put it the other way around, and say a PSP can't hookup with a DS
and i will go crazy if he says look it up, its a fact one more time.