This one site rates Brawl characters...

Ganondorf #34?
-hides before Bul comes-
Bul beat me bad with Ganondorf so... I can't believe he's ranked badly.
Fabio said:
This isn't really a tier, but even so, it's still way to early to start with these.
Agreed. 1 month in rating characters in a game as complex as Brawl can't be done. Its not like Mario Kart where there are Light, Medium, Heavy.
Kirby and Lucas got 1 and 2. Ganon and Jiggly got the last 2. I agree with those 4.
# 21 Cerryl - Lvl. 1 Monster 31 Mar 2008 at 06:07
You can change from Samus to Zero Suit Samus at will. We were shown how to do this on the freaking Smash Bros. Dojo. s/zerosuit_samus.html

If you can't even get basic gameplay facts right, why should we listen to anything else you have to say about the game? Also, you might want to try proofreading your articles next time. The number of spelling and grammatical errors in this article is laughable.

Seriously, I have no idea why this article pisses me off so much.
But it does.
He edited in a apologize...
Proof of failure.

Mr. G&W place on the list and his reasoning are idiotic.