This has honestly been super discouraging to see. I don’t go on Twitter often, and when I do it seems that these conversations seep into my timeline even when I try to stay away from this side of Twitter (hence why I made my post about gatekeeping here). I’d totally understand if, say, a user goes, “hey, just wanted to let you know these are actually afro puffs, not space buns! I’m really glad you love them though. Here’s some more information and history on the hairstyle: *insert link about afro buns here*.” Not only have you corrected the user on the correct term for the hairstyle, you’ve brought them into a kind discussion where they can learn something they might not have before.
I’m all for representation and love that black people (and other ethnicities) are finally getting attention in a game where this should’ve been common sense (although, being as this is a Japanese company, they might not have even been aware the impact of their game on other ethnicities—but now they know and are adjusting accordingly). When people try to rudely exclude others from their culture, they unintentionally segregate themselves from other groups, which is the OPPOSITE of what people should be striving toward. I love when people wanna learn about the white side of my family and the Mexican side. Multiculturalism is a beautiful thing in the 21st century, and so many people take this for granted, because it wasn’t even 50-100 years ago there were horrible perceptions and beliefs about minorities in the United States. We’re STILL having to fight for this in plenty of areas around the world.
I know this is a small matter in the grand scheme of things, but it also belongs to the overarching struggle with gatekeeping and segregation.
Thank you for sharing more on this, Milky. :’c