Throw Something at the Next Poster

*Throws it at amiibo festival*

*throws amiibo festival*
*Catches Shellzilla, and sets him down in a cushion conveniently placed next to me*

That was nothing.

*Throws a Pupperino*
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*barely catches the bowling ball*

Also a pupperino is just a joke of saying pupper which is a joke of saying puppy.

*throws self*
*wishes upon ya boi like a shooting star*

*throws a literature textbook*
Is excited and picks it up, but upon further inspection finds the excerpted titles too safe and the analysis too Freudian.

*throws a particularly round hamster*
Awwww, I am so gonna keep this little guy!

*throws a waterbomb*
*catches it* I don’t need this.
*donates it to a school*

*throws a Nintendo switch midair, then lands*
*throws it at the garbage bin*


*throws chair*
*catchs the post and posts the post*

*throws a cat* don’t worry, they land on their feet!
*Cuddles the kitty*

*Throws Himself out the window*
Can’t help you there, not strong enough! *throws a ball at Octoliam sendin him higher into the sky*

*throws gulliver*