Throw Something at the Next Poster

Woah, better be careful with this. *bobbles it, but then firmly catches it and puts it down gently*

*throws a living T-Rex*
*inhales Kirby like Kirby* What the? Why can't I get an ability from this guy?

*spits out and rethrows Kirby*
K-Kirby! Wait, I can explain why my obsession changed! Actually, no I can't...

*throws a squid*
*catches squid* wha---what do I do with a squid?! 🤔 *keeps as pet and names it Takoyaki*
*throws salt*
oh good! thank you for covering me with that! do you know how hard it is to clean salt out of your clothes and how bad it is for your skin?
i'm salty now :-(

*throws a bag of milk*