Ohhhh my gosh. Just shut up lmao. They weren't saying they feel "attacked". Stop taking over the thread for something that it wasn't intended for. You're not going to get the answer you want here clearly, so why are you still milking it and coming back for more? Can you please go make your own thread now and let us enjoy this thread for what it literally is? It's not a thread that is called "ask TTers anything". It's called "TT'ers Tavern". It is a place for time travelers to talk about time traveling. Can you refrain from filling it with toxicity and go make your own thread for your question? People would be happy to share their perspectives on that pretty much anywhere else but here.
I see in OPs post about TTing talk, and I'm talking about TTing aren't I? I don't see what I'm doing wrong, nor really understand. It would be one thing if I came in here bashing people, I was generally curious on how they felt. Immediately when I ask something it's completely uncalled response or they just completely shut down.
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