To TT or not to TT

TT or no TT?

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I don’t care whether other people time travel at all and I agree that “cheating” is hard to do in a game with very little competition or real possible advantages over others. However, Animal Crossing has always been most rewarding for me when I was able to look forward to things in real life and build the town over time. The act of waiting is part of what makes you love your town. You’re still a resident, not a god. If you decide to prioritize convenience and instant gratification over the slower experience, you risk getting burned out and feeling unfulfilled. The game has only been out for a month; there will be many more experiences in other weeks and seasons. I personally feel that if you’re dissatisfied with having less to do, TT will solve that for a few days and then you’ll realize that you burned through weeks of gameplay in a much shorter time and the problem will be worse, not better. You’re supposed to move things one building at a time, grow a couple new hybrids a day. That’s what keeps people coming back. It’s your town, though, and nobody has any right to judge you. I’ve just seen a lot of players who TT out of impatience and later regret killing the immersion that real-time play has to offer.
I couldn't agree more with your points.
I started to lose interest in NL after I discovered the forums and Time Traveling - I had no idea it was even a thing prior.
Sure your town/island will look prettier faster, but the chances of getting bored of it faster will increase - at least that's just my opinion.
I know others may see things differently and that's okay.
Don't TT and please ignore all the cheaters saying "it's just a way of playing". This is a game is made to be played day to day and not skipped. I cannot imagine playing a game like this and skipping the entire journey. It's like playing an RPG like a dragon quest and giving yourself unlimited of everything and unbeatable stats, It defeats the entire purpose of the game.
It's like Nintendo says in the advertisements... Design your island getaway how you want to. If you want to time travel for hybrids, there is honestly nothing wrong with that. If you don't want to time travel for personal reasons, there is also nothing wrong with that.

Time travel isn't cheating and if someone tells you it is then well... That is their problem for getting so worked up over a virtual island rather than yours, no? Imo there isn't really any sort of "advantage" to AC since you can't even "win" at the game, so I don't see why people get so offended over time travelling tbh. Allow people to think what they want because in the end, you're the person who paid for the game and the ability to time travel is accessible in the game. Trust me. If time travel was really cheating, Nintendo would have put in a punishment system for it. They've done it in other games but didn't do that to AC.

Play how ya want and don't let someone else make you feel bad. You paid for the game and it's your island, time travel top your heart's content if you want to lol
It's like Nintendo says in the advertisements... Design your island getaway how you want to.
Designing your island "the way you want to" doesn't mean change the system settings to speed up the game. Why do TTers always take these things out of context is beyond me
Designing your island "the way you want to" doesn't mean change the system settings to speed up the game. Why do TTers always take these things out of context is beyond me
How can something be taken out of context when there wasn't any real context in these advertisements to begin with? But let me ask you a better question. If I like to have my game in December eternally because I like the snow, how does that affect and harm your game/island in any single way shape or form?
How can something be taken out of context when there wasn't any real context in these advertisements to begin with? But let me ask you a better question. If I like to have my game in December eternally because I like the snow, how does that affect and harm your game/island in any single way shape or form?
It doesn't but again, it defeats the purpose of the game. Sadly there are also other players that abuse none TT cheaters
It doesn't but again, it defeats the purpose of the game. Sadly there are also other players that abuse none TT cheaters
The purpose of the game is to have fun. It really is that simple. It's a cutesy game about virtual anthropomorphic animals. Believe me, time travel is not that deep. If you don't find time travel fun then don't do it. But there is no need to insult people who do find it fun because the sole purpose of AC, like any video game, is to simply have fun.
Personally knowing I never time travelled would be a huge accomplishment. Time travelling isn’t necessarily cheating but I’d feel as though I’d rushed things. I know for a fact without time travel I’ll be immersed in the game for longer and I won’t get bored because I won’t feel guilty or regret my decision however it depends how you personally feel about time travelling. If your torn between doing it or not you may regret it afterwards
The purpose of the game is to have fun. It really is that simple. It's a cutesy game about virtual anthropomorphic animals. Believe me, time travel is not that deep. If you don't find time travel fun then don't do it. But there is no need to insult people who do find it fun because the sole purpose of AC, like any
Wrong about two things there. 1. I'm not insulting anyone. 2. Animal crossing is a SIM game that was built to be played with REAL-TIME and not skipped. That's exactly why they took the clock changing out of the settings in the first place. Besides that, any game can be boiled down to "having fun" but that doesn't mean that's all. Imagine Overwatch as a game that's made to, in your words "have fun". So cheating with hacks or exploits to make the game easier should totally be accepted because it makes it fun for the people that lack skill. Sure it's can be more fun for the first few minutes but it ruins the game in the long run. I have RL friends that have cheated by TTing in the past and saying that it completely ruined their playing experience.

But hey, if you wanna play for maybe a couple weeks because you're impatient, then go right ahead.
Wrong about two things there. 1. I'm not insulting anyone. 2. Animal crossing is a SIM game that was built to be played with REAL-TIME and not skipped. That's exactly why they took the clock changing out of the settings in the first place. Besides that, any game can be boiled down to "having fun" but that doesn't mean that's all. Imagine Overwatch as a game that's made to, in your words "have fun". So cheating with hacks or exploits to make the game easier should totally be accepted because it makes it fun for the people that lack skill. Sure it's can be more fun for the first few minutes but it ruins the game in the long run. I have RL friends that have cheated by TTing in the past and saying that it completely ruined their playing experience.

But hey, if you wanna play for maybe a couple weeks because you're impatient, then go right ahead.
The term "cheater" is by all means considered an insult and you're throwing it around very liberally in multiple threads. Now realistically, Nintendo isn't stupid. If they didn't want people to time travel, there would be a punishment system in place for it like they have done in many other games. Pokemon is the prime example, you're punished for changing the clock in those games. They've also placed a barrier for Splatoon as well. They chose not to though for AC and I don't think that's by mere coincidence. Regardless, I've put well over thousands of hours in Wild World and New Leaf despite being a "cheater" and I'll do the same for New Horizons. But I don't see how my play time is in any way relevant to this coversation.

Though at this point, this will probably be my last response due to the fact we're kind of derailing this thread and I don't wanna get the mods upset with that oof. If you wanna continue the discussion, feel free to ping me in the other time travel thread since that one is more suited for this discussion I think. At any rate, play how you want to and allow others to play how they want to is the end all of things. I don't know, I just don't have the energy to attempt to police how someone plays a game they paid for is all. To each their own in the end.
Calling people cheaters for clearly cheating is not an insult. If I was going around telling people they're are "scumbags" for cheating then id see your point. That's like saying calling a boomer a boomer is an insult somehow. It's as simple as "If you cheat, you're cheater"
i would say TT if you fell like it, I do it a little myself ( a couple hours from time to time) because I have sleeping problem and most of the time i'm sleeping way too late in the morning so I miss the turnip on sunday, so now, I TT for that for example if I missed it, i don't feel personaly the urge to TT that much apart for thing like that, but if you fell like it , you paid your game, you can do watever you want with it , do as you fell like ^^
I voted don't, but that's only because I won't. What you ultimately decide only affects (or doesn't affect) your conscience.
Cheating actually does effect the way other people play because it gives them more advantage over other people.... especially in the market
I don't think it really matters in the end. With time travel, things get done faster. That's really it.

I time travelled a lot in New Leaf, didn't ruin the game for me. Haven't time travelled in New Horizons yet though. Just a personal choice
I'm not going to tell you to TT, but based on your post, it seems that you're already leaning towards doing it, so just do you.
Also, you don't need a guide on how to TT safely. You want to move a building quicker? Once you select the new location, set your date up by 1, save and quit your game, then reload. Bam, all done, and no, your game will not be in shambles or your savefile lost for doing so.

Have fun.
Wrong about two things there. 1. I'm not insulting anyone. 2. Animal crossing is a SIM game that was built to be played with REAL-TIME and not skipped. That's exactly why they took the clock changing out of the settings in the first place. Besides that, any game can be boiled down to "having fun" but that doesn't mean that's all. Imagine Overwatch as a game that's made to, in your words "have fun". So cheating with hacks or exploits to make the game easier should totally be accepted because it makes it fun for the people that lack skill. Sure it's can be more fun for the first few minutes but it ruins the game in the long run. I have RL friends that have cheated by TTing in the past and saying that it completely ruined their playing experience.

But hey, if you wanna play for maybe a couple weeks because you're impatient, then go right ahead.
I do think it's primarily intended to be played in real-time; however, as multiple people have pointed it, Nintendo have obviously opened up the option to TT even in this game.
Now, if there was ever a competition such as - show your Island/house progress after 15 days without TT'ing and then TT'ers were to enter, then yes, I'd consider it cheating.
Other than that, TT'ing doesn't really give extra benefits besides unlocking certain features/cycling out villagers faster.
It's duping that kinda ruins the market, not TT'ing. I just prefer not to TT because I know myself and I know how my brain works.
But I also know people who TT and have played the past games for years on end.
Bottom line is - everyone is different.

As for the other games you've mentioned such as Overwatch, I do love to play horror-type games such as Resident Evil. The Last of Us is probably my second favorite game after the AC franchise and I played it on Easy mode and managed to beat it, but I have to say that I suck at these type of games in general although I do love love them for the atmosphere/story.
So if there was an easier way to kill a clicker or a zombie - would I use it to progress in the story? For sure.
But by your standards, that would be cheating.

Not everyone plays the same games for the same reasons - it's important to remember that.
Wrong about two things there. 1. I'm not insulting anyone. 2. Animal crossing is a SIM game that was built to be played with REAL-TIME and not skipped. That's exactly why they took the clock changing out of the settings in the first place. Besides that, any game can be boiled down to "having fun" but that doesn't mean that's all. Imagine Overwatch as a game that's made to, in your words "have fun". So cheating with hacks or exploits to make the game easier should totally be accepted because it makes it fun for the people that lack skill. Sure it's can be more fun for the first few minutes but it ruins the game in the long run. I have RL friends that have cheated by TTing in the past and saying that it completely ruined their playing experience.

But hey, if you wanna play for maybe a couple weeks because you're impatient, then go right ahead.
Your Overwatch analogy doesn't apply here; it's a terrible comparison, actually. Overwatch is a team based PvP game; using aimbot or other cheats there has very different ramifications than TT'ing does in Animal Crossing. Using aimbot, wallhacks or other such cheats in a PvP game literally breaks the game's balance and destroys the competitive nature of the game. You are directly affecting the enemy team's experience because you invalidate anything they can do because you're a god essentially. TT'ing in animal crossing is different. This game is not competitive for starters. That's an extremely big difference. If I TT to move a building, that has absolutely no impact on your experience on your island. Don't pretend that it does. TT'ing in Animal Crossing is a more isolated manner than cheating for godmode/infinite items/gold in a PvP game, much worse for the games that are PvP and gear centric.

Call TT'ing cheating if you want to; I don't really care one way or another what you classify it. However, to say that it's akin to cheating in a PvP game with hacks is absurd. Straighten out your facts.

Imagine if the law classified petty theft the same as 1st degree murder. What a world that'd be.
I usually never TT because I like taking things slow, but I have TTed in order to get a plot ready for a dreamie adoption a couple times. If it's for something that will bring me lots of joy in the long run, I can swallow my pride and TT a bit. When I start landscaping seriously I think I'm going to do it too, because moving buildings is super tedious and might end burning me out.