Today I Learned: New Horizons Edition

Today I learned to gift a a villager who is fishing simply talk to them three times and they will stop fishing.
This is so useful! Thank you!

Today I learned that when you sit down beside a villager they make a cute little sound/movement to acknowledge it. I love that.
Today I learned that if you stay in a villager’s home long enough, they might comment on it.
I tried to give some fake art to Broccolo, but he said he couldn’t take something that might be valuable. I should have Blathers check it out. (Which he already had.)

So I guess you can’t give fake art to villagers.
I learnt how to time travel today and it wasnt as scary as I expected it to be. Can't think I'll be doing it much in the future but was nice to learn something new from the game 😁. Plus I got a few new diys and clothing that isn't available just at the moment for the northern hemisphere.
Today when I sat on a toilet outside it emptied my energy bar and said “and that’s that” and I was surprised. I didn’t know they had a prompt for going to the bathroom.
TIL that the birds on the bulletin meant new messages. I was wondering why they didn’t show up for a while and sometimes more than one of the chubby owls/canary appears. It depends on the number of new messages. Max is three, I think. xD
Hans recently moved in. His house and Rolf's house have the same exterior except the doors. For a moment I thought I had a glitch. 😑
A non-amiibo camper can pick a villager to move out today, even if they have announced that they are moving out tomorrow.
Apparently you have a switch in the catalog to turn off items you can't order... since when is this a thing? Hahaha
Has that always been there or just since on of the updates?

I fricking love it!
Today I learned that if a villager is singing, and you go change the song on whatever music speaker/player you’re closest to while they’re still singing, they’ll start singing that song instead. It doesn’t even matter if the speaker is near the villager, it can be on a completely different part of the island. I tested this twice today with Tangy.
She was singing Forest Life, so I switched to KK Synth on a faraway record player and went back to her and she was singing KK Synth. Did the same with a different song.
Today I learned how two villagers can move out at the same time. I had Bones leave via amiibo and Molly asked to leave the day before and they both were able to be picked up by people the same day. I thought this was pretty interesting how you could have two villagers in boxes so you don't have to skip a day ahead to move out another villager. I just got lucky what Molly asked to leave so close to Bones leaving.
This was yesterday, but I learned that you could use any bed to activate the dream suite thing. I thought you could only use the Luna bed.
When you visit dream towns and talk to the characters, their town tune plays. This only happens the first time you talk to them. I visited a scary town and was surprised when I heard creepy music from Friday the 13th playing when I spoke to each character. Pretty neat.

I also noticed that if there's a fan on and it's next to a plant or balloon, it makes them move every time the fan rotates and goes in the direction of the plant or balloon. The small details in this game are awesome.
TIL that hitting normal villagers with a net 3 times in a row that you are really good friends with won’t make them mad.

I was mad, I wanted to talk to Sydney I couldn’t move any further not hit her and decrease my friendship I wanted her photo ugh