today is cheesecake vs flan

flan vs cheesecake

  • cheesecake

    Votes: 72 85.7%
  • flan

    Votes: 12 14.3%

  • Total voters
I would have to go with Cheesecake, although I'm not a diehard fan of either.
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aaw darn i absolutely love both but cheesecake takes the cake...........i'll stop lmao
Flan would taste disgusting. And I had cheesecake a week ago. You know what im gonna vote for.
Only flan could have made one of my favourite internet pictures possible:

I chose cheesecake, but I'm not a fan of either, cheesecake is too rich for me and flan tastes like eggs often, I like the Japanese cheesecake though with apricot jam, but again, it's not my favorite cake.
i love both of them so much, but i chose flan because a good flan is amazing.. and cheesecake can be boring sometimes, especially if it is plain.
I love love love flan, I wish my mom made it more often. I think I've only tried cheesecake once a long time ago and I didn't like it at all
Both are really good. I enjoy cheesecake more though, and like you said it's a bit more versatile.
Flan is good, but cheesecake is godly (I don't eat it very often though, since it usually tends to be high in sugar)
oof this thread is old 😂

but anyway, i choose cheesecake because it's lit and idk what flan is lol