Cycling Together Rescue and Babysitting Services [Moving: Rudy]

Ohmigosh, hi! My darling PomPom has just moved to boxes when I tt'd too far, will you be able to hold her until I can cycle enough to get her back (or however long you would like to have her haha). ;o;
Ohmigosh, hi! My darling PomPom has just moved to boxes when I tt'd too far, will you be able to hold her until I can cycle enough to get her back (or however long you would like to have her haha). ;o;

Eeps, oh no! I have little Pompom in one of my towns, she's precious! The problem is that the spot I have open is in the Void, which I don't use for babysitting because I tend to cycle a lot in it (and I don't want to accidentally void your villager!). And since I don't have anybody moving in Together, I don't know when I'll have a babysitting spot available again?

I hate to say no, but I think you'll have to ask around to other people! D: I'll likely have a spot open within the next two weeks? I know that's a terrible answer, I wish I had a better solution!
Eeps, oh no! I have little Pompom in one of my towns, she's precious! The problem is that the spot I have open is in the Void, which I don't use for babysitting because I tend to cycle a lot in it (and I don't want to accidentally void your villager!). And since I don't have anybody moving in Together, I don't know when I'll have a babysitting spot available again?

I hate to say no, but I think you'll have to ask around to other people! D: I'll likely have a spot open within the next two weeks? I know that's a terrible answer, I wish I had a better solution!

Hey don't worry about it, it's no problem! Thanks so much anyways though. Best of luck! :)
Hello! Could you keep me posted on Scoot? I'd be interested in adopting him if/when he decides to move out. I currently have a space available. Thanks so much! :)
Hello! Could you keep me posted on Scoot? I'd be interested in adopting him if/when he decides to move out. I currently have a space available. Thanks so much! :)

Yay! Thanks for asking, I will definitely try to get him to you :~)
Bonbon has found a nice home! :~) And that leaves a spot open in Together, if anyone would like me to pick anyone up!
is julian still there? or is it outdated? i can take him tomorrow at 4:00 pacific time.
is julian still there? or is it outdated? i can take him tomorrow at 4:00 pacific time.

No, he is not in boxes, and Together reservations don't quite work like that! Anyways, I will likely host a raffle / giveaway for him when he is in boxes, as he and I are buds!
Merengue is in boxes in the Voic! Let me know if you can pick her up and have dreamie proof.

Also if you have any dandelions I'd love to pick them up :~)
Hey I got one to move finally! My villagers are so stubborn, is Merengue still available?