Help! I woke up today to check on Kid Cat and he was in his boxes.

I've gotten on everyday and ran in circles, stayed idle, ran into the city and took the boat and back and KC never bing'd me to tell me the whole week. Then yesterday was the fishing tourney so no bings could happen...and even after it ended still nothing. I thought it was only the 2nd or 3rd notice day but it wasn't.
I've been waiting over two years for Bob to move in, so I can't imagine how long it would be if I lost KC now. I would probably just stop playing AC. I've had nightmares about accidentally losing Kiki again after I lost her in WW, but I never thought this would happen again. I don't even TT.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but is there any reputable kind person that can hold KC for me? I'll even attempt TT if I have to or empty my bank i don't care, I just don't want to lose KC and more or less my town. I signed up here specifically to ask after googling how to stop this.
Thank you very much if anyone can help me, it is still early in the day and i will set the clock back to 7 until I can save him.