Tool "repair"

I do it after every use.

I can't help it.

This game has caused major OCD.

Bring back the tools we've always had that don't break. :(

I do it too, I customize my tools every day and I really missed the golden one in new leaf which never break
I hate that you can't customise gold ones, but I always judge customising to repair too late and they always break xD I'm like.. one more thing.. surely it won't break... Oh it did. Oops ahaha
I usually don't customize tools anymore, but I think there's a general feeling that you've used a shovel or something a bunch of times and are surprised it hasn't broken yet. When you get to that point, it's time to customize! I'm not positive there's a set number of times you can use a tool before it breaks, it seems to be slightly different each time. I've had tools I've broken after a few uses and others I've had in my pockets for weeks. Usually I just buy two when I get tools at Nooks so I have a spare, especially when doing a project.
i messed up and didnt keep track and lost my golden tools beacsue of this D: i wish they had a little use meter like tools in minecraft do :)

I thought golden tools couldn't be customized?
I used to customize the shovel when I was trying to remove a lot of flowers on my island. Now I end up making most of my tools and upgrading them because of the Nook Miles achievement to craft a ton of tools. I'm on the second to last one: 517/1000 tools.
I usually forget or figure I'll go customize after a particular chore, only to find that I miscounted and it breaks on me. I still need my badge for crafting, so at least I get progress on that.

I've crafted the golden tools as I got the recipes, but other than using the watering can to get gold roses, they stay in my storage.