Cycling Town of Anomaly cycling.

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Hey. I can pick up Pietro(shudders) for pinkwater in just a bit in my holding town. Chrono is about to come pick up broffina so I'll have a holding spot for the creepy little dude.

Ooooh, yes thank yoooou! I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing this. I'll be trying to cycle out for a while >>
I am ready to pick him up for you if MissMew gets back on. If not, I can pick him up in the morning for you, if she still has him. No offense to Pietro, just scared of clowns : )
YEP! I've been terrified of clowns since I was a kid. BUT, I'll hold him for awhile, as long as he doesn't try to kill me in my sleep!!!
i want pietro too, he's one of my dreamies! i been looking for him since i joined this forum but I'm too late :(
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I am ready to pick him up for you if MissMew gets back on. If not, I can pick him up in the morning for you, if she still has him. No offense to Pietro, just scared of clowns : )

That's totally fine! I respect your opinion! You can whack, abuse, or ignore him all you want, for I shall cuddle him to pieces when I get him :)

Him being a clown doesn't bug me; he's just so colorful and rainbowy, and I love colorful things! Just look at my sig~
Just waiting on MissMew to let us know if he's still available. I have a spot open for you : )
Sorry guys! I still have him, some stuff kept coming up. :( Let me know when you can pick him up.
OK, I am ready. I'll pick up in my son's town. Blaze in Corsim. FC in my Siggy.

Well in my spoiler siggy.
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Adding now, then I'll open.

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Actually I'm not sure what friendcode. xD
Its on the profile part too. Forgot about that.

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I won't be cycling for now, getting wisdom teeth out tomorrow and I'm busy busy. D:
I know someone is looking for Lopez, and I might be interested in Flurry if you'd bold them for me pretty please.
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