Cycling Town of Gollum Cycling thread - Check thread

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XD It was either that or Rivendell!
I thougth about rivendell too XD but then i wanted a place that was both good and bad and thats when i thougth about Mirkwood that is the home of Spiders, Elves, wizards and shapeshifters ^_^
Would this be 'whoever makes space first wins' (haha) or would Alex have him in the bag since he posted earlier? My friend's at work and she won't be home till later, I reckon.
Would this be 'whoever makes space first wins' (haha) or would Alex have him in the bag since he posted earlier? My friend's at work and she won't be home till later, I reckon.

Since making place is a lot of work with careful cycling and all, Alex has priority for now. I wish I could clone him and give him to your friend too but you know what I can do? Give me her name and I can totally PM her if Bob pops back in my town!
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Since making place is a lot of work with careful cycling and all, Alex has priority for now. I wish I could clone him and give him to your friend too but you know what I can do? Give me her name and I can totally PM her if Bob pops back in my town!

You won't get Bob again until you cycle 16 villagers out .

Also Mayor Alex, doesn't have Bob on her dreamie list.
I don't know if that matters to you, but I just thought I'd point that out.

Thanks for cycling though <3
Oh Tia <3
She's my number 1 dreamie <3

She's stubborn, newest one are leaving sooner than she is but I'll cycle like he** to get her out ;) I can PM you when Bob's out so you can stalk the thread in case she's next LOL
I have cycled out one of my villigers for him, let me know when I can pick him up.
And thankyou. c:
You won't get Bob again until you cycle 16 villagers out .

Also Mayor Alex, doesn't have Bob on her dreamie list.
I don't know if that matters to you, but I just thought I'd point that out.

Thanks for cycling though <3

All really good points but I only have one word and I promised him to Alex. And, on my dreamies list, I forget some myself at times so I get it. I do understand the different opinions but I stand by my word.

They can come to an understanding by themselves, that's an option.
Since making place is a lot of work with careful cycling and all, Alex has priority for now. I wish I could clone him and give him to your friend too but you know what I can do? Give me her name and I can totally PM her if Bob pops back in my town!
That's real kind of you Dom, thanks for the offer! It's fine, she's chill about it, I just had to try. :) Enjoy, Alex, and good luck with Tia OrchidPixie!
I have cycled out one of my villigers for him, let me know when I can pick him up.
And thankyou. c:

I'm adding you right now, I have to switch towns so as soon as you see Gollum appear at the train station, just hop in :D
ahh it may be because my wifi connection is weak. I'm leaving to pick up my rabbit from the vet in a few hours. If it's okay with you, i could stop by a starbucks or bestbuy on the way there and pick him up that way. If not, you can give him to the other person who wanted him.
I'll close and open again.

- - - Post Merge - - -

We're having technical difficulties
To be fair to everyone, we've decided to let Bob go to the next person after 7PM if not resolved

Thanks for understanding!

-----------------------------------------ON HOLD!-------------------------------------------
Bob has been adopted. MayorAlex gave him a new home.

I will resume cycling in an hour!
Tex is in boxes

If I don't answer, I'll PM the first person to answer when I get back (30 min~)
Tex is getting voided

- - - Post Merge - - -

Drake is moving in!
Please let me know when any of my dreamies are in town except Pietro or Apple :) much appreciated.
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