Cycling Town of Gollum Cycling thread - Check thread

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Purrl is so cute, I'm giving her a little more time.
I don't want her to get voided.
People, come back from work/school and adopt Purrl :p
Purrl is so cute, I'm giving her a little more time.
I don't want her to get voided.
People, come back from work/school and adopt Purrl :p
Purrl is so cute. If she wasn't a Snooty I would adopt her.
Someone adopt Purrl <3
Come on drift! Stay untill tomorrow! Im Going to bed now >.<

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Ops wrong Cyckling town :p
I want to adopt purrl. Could it be possible you hold you until someone is gone? I'll try not to take to long. This would be awesome. Please and thank you.
Thanks OrchidPixie for monitoring the thread! LOL
Keeping hope in hearts of dreamies seekers :p
Purrl has found a new home :D

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Spork is moving in! Wait.. spork? Isn't that a half fork half spoon? Weird name
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