Cycling Town of Gollum Cycling thread - Check thread

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Whats cycling how do you get villagers can u do it on on 3ds.
And wats voided. please answer PLRASE
Whats cycling how do you get villagers can u do it on on 3ds.
And wats voided. please answer PLRASE

Cycling is Time traveling to get villagers in or out and yes you can do it on a 3DS.
Voided just means that the villager wasn't adopted and simply moved out.
Its not? Okay ill keep refresh page

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Sorry im new to cycling and trading vilagers and stuff you just told me how to i wanna do it now.
Portia is moving in!

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Why won't Tia move out? It breaks my heart to see her, she's my dreamie too (for my other town). I can't wait to give her away!
Dom i added you add my fc back plz

Oh and when in go to ur town if i do to get a villager how does he or she move in
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