Cycling Town of Gollum Cycling thread - Check thread

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Can I go to your town and chat with Tia?
Maybe if I send her a letter with a gift, she'll move.
I'll bribe her xD
I'm everywhere man. I'm been trying to find a solution to your Gaia problem. :C And now that I know you want Stitches, I put in a bid on another Stitches for you in case this one goes bad. I mean I have 100 million to spend now xD
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I'm everywhere man. I'm been trying to find a solution to your Gaia problem. :C And now that I know you want Stitches, I put in a bid on another Stitches for you in case this one goes bad. I mean I have 100 million to spend now xD

Dang. idk what gaia wants from me :( anyway, this is not the appropriate place for that topic. just let me know if you find something, or else I'll have to make a new email account and a new gaia account and submit a ticket =[
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