Trading Trade in your extra for new one, or catalog~JP/KR/EU/NA exclusives, SAHARA, Legit Art

To Hivernale

Hi. well, thank you. And you?
Today I can trade Island Kitchen for, well, for example,
I can trade 7-11 items x3 for it.
I can trade Japanese Holiday items x10 for it.
To RedTropicalFish

Fine thanks ! :)
I'm sorry for asking but what are Japanese Holidau items ? I'm still new so I don't really know
Hello Red~

It's me again ^-^

I have the island kitchen for you :blush:
I just need to check what I need.
I'll let you know but I'm sure we can work something out :)
To GingerSchnapps

Hi. :)
I would like to do so, but I can't.
I'm sorry.
But it depends on the reason etc.
Could you please PM me how many would you like to trade, and for why?
To spzjulien

Ah, I see. :(
If you can wait until tomorrow, I can arrange all of those for you.
But I'm not sure that 20 Berliners matches for it, or not.
I have to consider the rate.
I can PM you later about it.
Would you like to wait and get from me?
To spzjulien

Ah, I see. :(
If you can wait until tomorrow, I can arrange all of those for you.
But I'm not sure that 20 Berliners matches for it, or not.
I have to consider the rate.
I can PM you later about it.
Would you like to wait and get from me?

oki fine
i can have 30 or more no big deal, just let me know
thanks you
To RedTropicalFish

Do you think it's fair if I ask again a veggie basket?
Or maybe a sushi roll ? ^^

If no choose an item for me please ! I think any is okay ! (I already have the carpbanner, lovely phone, golden glock, rice cake)
To Hivernale

:) Please write all you need. Like this. :)
- SushiRole x2
- OgreMase( red ) x1
- Veggie Basket x1
and so forth. Anything, you wish to have in return of Island Kitchen
Oh okay! I'm sorry I didn't know !

-Sushi Role x1
-Veggie basket x1

I think it's faire right that ? Please tell me if you're okay or not :) !
To Hivernale

Thank you! :)
But I think you can choose more for your Island Kitchen.
Please write some more if you're looking for something else.

- - - Post Merge - - -

To everyone here

Sorry, I take a little break on urgent business.
Soon I'll be back. Maybe 15 minutes or so.
You can leave comments, of course.
Okay then, maybe :

-Sushi Role x1
-Veggie basket x1
-RedOgreMask x1

:) Don't worry and take your time!
To spzjulien

Hey, what happend to you, spzjulien?
Please just stop acting like that.
Didn't you said like this?

"if you need something, made ​​me sign hello from paris"

What's the problem
I don't want you to be so impolite. It's sad.
I think he just noticed we're both French and wanted to be friends with me ? Don't worry since I understand what he said it doesn't sound impolite. :)