Trading Trade in your extra for new one, or catalog~JP/KR/EU/NA exclusives, SAHARA, Legit Art

Oh that's okay I understand. ^^ I might contact you again if I need another item (and I think it will be the case very soon :) )
See you soon! I'll be back in few days with a new wishlist and hope we'll trade again. :)
To Mithos

Thank you for telling me.
So let me make it clear once more.

- 7-11 entire set x1

- Gorgeous Series ( contains Wall and Carpet ) x1

Is this okay?

- - - Post Merge - - -

To Hivernale

I really hope to trade with you again. :D
Take care. See you soon.
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Thanks for responding! And it's okay! I'm sorry that you got so many messages at once. Please take your time in answering them!

Oh, that's all you want for the Mame? Are you sure? Then, would it be possible if I offered some more Cabana or Mermaid furniture in exchange for some of the other holiday items? I'm interested in the Dango, New Years Noodles/Toshikoshi Soba, and any or all of the Korean regional exclusives. I'm not sure what Korean regional exclusives you have, though, and I don't know how many Cabana/Mermaid items you would like for each of them.

I hope to see you soon as well!
Hello RedTropicalFish,

What would you be willing to trade for cabana flooring?
Also, I would like to get the EhoMaki and Dango. I still have EU DLCs to trade if you want them. :)
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To GingerSchnapps

Hi! How have you been? :D

Well, my first offer is basically this, but I think Cabana Carpet( Flooring ) is very rare,
so you can choose more.
What would you like to add?

- EhoMaki
- Dango

- Cabana Flooring

And I need more EU Holiday Items.
If you would trade it, what would you like to get for it?

Hope your reply. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

To Mithos

Thank you for polite and nice trade. :D
Hope to see you soon.
Hello RedTropicalFish :)

I'm looking for Steamed-Bun Case. Do you have this item?

I can offer you Bottled Ship, Mermaid Lamp in return.

Thank you for your time!

I've been good, thanks. How have you been? ^^

Okay so you want to trade your EhoMaki and Dango for my Cabana Floor? That sounds good. I don't know how rare it is, but 2:1 sounds fine to me. :)

Would you happen to have a hagoita? I don't know if it's available yet.
To matoki

Hi Thank you for your offer.
Yes, I have 7-11 Chinese Buns Case.
So deal.
I'm now on another trade, so, could you please wait for awhile? :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

To GingerSchnapps

Would you happen to have a hagoita? I don't know if it's available yet.

That is not distributed yet.
So our trade is

- EhoMaki
- Dango

- Cabana Floor

Is that okay?
If okay, please wait for awhile.
See you soon. :D
To GingerSchnapps

Sorry to have kept you waiting.
I'm ready.
Please open your gate.

- - - Post Merge - - -

To matoki

Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Now I'm ready.
Please open your gate.
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Sorry RedTropicalFish ,

I've found myself on an island with a treasure chest.
x.x i'm like, 115 medals short, lol. I may not be able to trade at the moment. :'(
Do you have any of these?
Blue Argyle Tank
Kimbap Plate
Party Popper
Red-Horned Hat
School Cap
Tteok Plate
White School Cap

I have veggie basket and berliner to trade.
To Ant1m1nd

Hi. Thank you for your offer. :)
Yes, I do have some of these.
But now I have to take a break, and have to eat something.
Could you please wait for an hour?
I sure can! If possible, please let me know what items you want to trade with me, so I can mark them on my list (so I don't trade someone else for them).