Troll the person above you...

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Ok... that's not what everyone else tells me. It just goes to show that you are incredibly and irreversibly uneducated.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I type faster than a ex-911 operator. So beat it. :3 Suck it.
"I type faster than a ex-911 operator. So beat it. :3 Suck it."

"gay trump supporter"

OOOOOOOHHHHHH watch out guys! we got a special snowflake over here!
So now you're making fun of my sexuality? Nice trolling. Sounds like a bigoted Christian imo.
Best troll ever! Aimed at Teabagel, definitely not irhackshell or whatever.
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"So now you're making fun of my sexuality?" lmao triggered activated
"So now you're making fun of my sexuality?" lmao triggered activated

Actually. I'm just sitting here chilling with my Justin Bieber songs giving out free crowns. Not triggered, my friend. Just not bigoted.
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Me: Mr. Owl, how many post merges will it take for irhaskell8 to get their point across?
Mr. Owl: Let's find out!
Actually. I'm just sitting here chilling with my Justin Bieber songs giving out free crowns. Not triggered, my friend. Just not bigoted.

here i got this for you, *plays triggered distorted audio clip*
here i got this for you, *plays triggered distorted audio clip*

I ain't triggered. Your just being edgy, like your hairline.

- - - Post Merge - - -

uh two

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uh three

Nox, why tf do your polar bears in your signature have a tiger on the back? Are they confused? From what you've done to them, they probably are.
threee! three post merges to get your point across! hes on a roll!
Three post merges? Wtf. Nah fam, I just gotta post what I'm listening to because you listen to **** cuz you are ****.
oooooohh using swear woords! watch out we got ourselves some edge!
oooooohh using swear woords! watch out we got ourselves some edge!

The only problem I see is you. A bigoted Christian.

- - - Post Merge - - -


You are even more edgy! edgier than a tumblr 10 year old kid!

What kind of name is Taiko? Is it supposed to be Taki? Are you in love with Takis? Damn son, you need to get a life.
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