Troll the person above you...

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Who tf likes JB anymore?

Teabagel : im out of ideas so ill say ily <3

He still got Beliebers. It's called loyalty. Maybe your girlfriend should try it sometime.

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listen to jb, lol do you go to starbucks too?

No, I drink Coffee from home. Simple crap in it too; cream, sugar and I call it COFFEELICIOUS.
"maybe your girlfriend should try it sometime" hes gay, BYE FELICIA

Still using BYE FELICIA. Dafuq! Get a life, m8.

Doesn't mean I can't get a little here and there. ;)

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lmao fail . im gay :') get out of here kiddo

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*oh , how you know? o.o*

She stalks mofos.
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Still using BYE FELICIA. Dafuq! Get a life, m8.

Doesn't mean I can't get a little here and there. ;)

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She stalks me tbh. She need to get a life.

"get a life" **gets triggered by a forum game** like i said. BYEEE
lmao fail . im gay :') get out of here kiddo

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*oh , how you know? o.o*

I'm gay too.

Didn't you hear the news? Your boyfriend is now a girl, so she's your girlfriend. What did you do to confuse her??!!??!!

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"get a life" **gets triggered by a forum game** like i said. BYEEE

It's called in the moment. Atleast I can live a moment, because I have a LIFE. L-I-F-E
I'm gay too.

Didn't you hear the news? Your boyfriend is now a girl, so she's your girlfriend. What did you do to confuse her??!!??!!

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It's called in the moment. Atleast I can live a moment, because I have a LIFE. L-I-F-E
"a moment" is that what you call being triggered? why not go to sleep you have school tomorrow :blush:
"This face of irhaskell8 is nasty and it's tough to look at." - Donald J. Trump
Girl, you ain't my mother. If you were, I'd either be dead or dead.

if i was your mother you wouldve been given up for adoption, byee sweaty

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"This face of irhaskell8 is nasty and it's tough to look at." - Donald J. Trump

as well as his hairline see i can make bad hairline jokes too!
if i was your mother you wouldve been given up for adoption, byee sweaty

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as well as his hairline see i can make bad hairline jokes too!

If I was given up for adoption atleast I'd have a chance of surviving the terror of your womb.
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