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trust no one :(

I disagree. this is a person that you work with. someone you might even see everyday. why doubt them??

It depends on where you work, and the ethics your workplace practices. If you work at a low end place like retail or a restaurant, or even a warehouse, I would never trust your coworker. If you work in an office, you're probably safer, unless the coworkers there are known to gossip about each other, steal lunches, and start quarrels.
It depends on where you work, and the ethics your workplace practices. If you work at a low end place like retail or a restaurant, or even a warehouse, I would never trust your coworker. If you work in an office, you're probably safer, unless the coworkers there are known to gossip about each other, steal lunches, and start quarrels.
yeah then it's proabably just me.. because I'm great friends with my co-workers and i used to work retail. Why is the world like this sometimes..
I've been in a similar situation (but thankfully not as infuriating). My actual best friend IRL can sometimes be a troll but I still added him as my best friend. First week into the game and he stole a couple of my hybrids and I was like...wtf man. Lmao. I clearly let him know that upset me and he didn't do it again. But he still frequently "teases" me when we're playing together in voice chat and acts as if hes about to take a flower or DIY or something. I'm tempted to just fence all my stuff in when he comes over!! Lol
I'm actually really miffed. A grown adult with a child making excuses knowing that they did wrong and then making you feel bad and making even more excuses, just own up like the adult you are, appologise and return the stuff you stole. No, gotta say this kid stole it, probably not even the kid but if it was me? My parents would be hounding me for stealing. Question why they ain't. Question why they wanna be a trash monkey and blame you and guilt you. THEY should know what its like to work and work for something the only difference is Animal Crossing makes you feel proud and rewarded for it. Just a game? My left foot!

It isn't even your fault, your town, you should put things where you want. They should of asked if anything not just took. They knew it was wrong and this is 100% on them. Change my mind.
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Yeah what a piece of hot garbage.
My NMT shop got white street lamps, white snack machine, and drink machine, if that's any of the ones you lost, I can also craft you any cherry blossom items if you bring materials, and I got hybrids growing out of my ears, which are you missing?
Yeah i understand that.. I just wish you couldv'e put it more nicely?
what you said is true but at the sametime meh?
I really don't think I was unkind in any way to be honest. Not everyone has to respond by coddling the affected. I feel bad for the OP for sure, please don't get me wrong, I feel bad for everyone it happens to when I see these threads on a nearly daily basis, that's why I nearly always choose to respond by encouraging other people to check their lists and remove anyone they're not actually close with, so to avoid the possibility of this affected them as much (obviously, not all the damage can be avoided - items can be picked up regardless). You chose to respond by offering @Saturniidae new hybrids to replace those lost (which is nice of you) and saying my advice is "meh" (which is pretty rude to be honest) despite this sort of thing happening every day to a lot of people who could actually probably use the same advice you're casually dismissing as "meh." I just am trying to encourage everyone to be safer.

My point is, I wasn't lecturing @Saturniidae - they're not a child; I'm sure they know how to avoid it in future off the back of this. I was encouraging everyone else to be more cautious and maybe proactively ensure that, if it was to ever happen to them, it doesn't have to be as serious because they didn't add someone they don't really trust as a person who can significantly affect your island (i.e. Best Friend).
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So, your coworker is either a liar or a bad parent. How wonderful. You are obviously a kind soul and shouldn't be punished for trusting people.

I can make you the following cherry blossom recipes if you would like them: pochette (little bag), sakura-wood wall, clock, blossom-viewing lantern, petal pile, outdoor picnic set. :) I can also craft the shell rug if you would like it. Drop me a message anytime. Don't let this one blip ruin your enjoyment, since it's your game and your island that you've worked so hard for.
I really don't think I was unkind in any way to be honest. Not everyone has to respond by coddling the affected. I feel bad for the OP for sure, please don't get me wrong, I feel bad for everyone it happens to when I see these threads on a nearly daily basis, that's why I nearly always choose to respond by encouraging other people to check their lists and remove anyone they're not actually close with, so to avoid the possibility of this affected them as much (obviously, not all the damage can be avoided - items can be picked up regardless). You chose to respond by offering @Saturniidae new hybrids to replace those lost (which is nice of you) and saying my advice is "meh" (which is pretty rude to be honest) despite this sort of thing happening every day to a lot of people who could actually probably use the same advice you're casually dismissing as "meh." At least one of us is trying to encourage everyone to be safer.

My point is, I wasn't lecturing @Saturniidae - they're not a child; I'm sure they know how to avoid it in future off the back of this. I was encouraging everyone else to be more cautious and maybe proactively ensure that, if it was to ever happen to them, it doesn't have to be as serious because they didn't add someone they don't really trust as a person who can significantly affect your island (i.e. Best Friend).
I mean to say a bit harsh I didn't say you weren't unkind! :> To inform people is a really kind thing to do and also taking the time to reply to me is also very nice of you. and also sorry I had trouble putting my thoughts into words so I felt flustered to put something and i put meh. didn't mean to be rude! sorry again ><
I mean to say a bit harsh I didn't say you weren't unkind! :> To inform people is a really kind thing to do and also taking the time to reply to me is also very nice of you. and also sorry I had trouble putting my thoughts into words so I felt flustered to put something and i put meh. didn't mean to be rude! sorry again ><
Really, don't worry about it, I think I get a bit "into it" and over-dramatic with this sort of stuff.
Really, don't worry about it, I think I get a bit "into it" and over-dramatic with this sort of stuff.
Nothing wrong with your posts, not everything have to be wrapped in pillows and glitter, honesty is valued, and I can't see any ill will in your posts.
What can we do to help you? I have some spare hybrids, namely mums, hyacinths and pansies.

I can order some white street lamps, too.

Let know what we can do to help ease the sting! I’m so sorry you were robbed!
I'd like to join in with this small little movement. If OP could maybe make a full-ish list of things they're missing, we could all pitch in and help them out this way if we're able to. :) I'm capable of giving you some hybrid flowers (mainly roses), a Cherry-blossom pond stone, Cherry-blossom wand, Outdoor picnic set, Sakura-wood wall, Shell arch, Shell rug, Shell speaker and the white street lamps. I'd have to check what else my Nook island furniture has, but if I have a colour furniture you don't have, consider it done!
she shouldn’t be guilting you like that. that is so irresponsible it makes me sick, no matter how old she is, she should learn that stealing is wrong. i’m so sorry that happened! especially when you though you could trust them, i know how you feel.

on a different platform, a girl PMED me asking for a certain item i had lying saying it was her nieces birthday. i didn’t want to give that girl the item, so i said no. then she asked for different items that i also liked. i really didn’t wanna give her any but i didn’t want to seem rude so i gave them to her. right after that she unfriended and traded them away. i felt so stupid, it’s hard!

again, she shouldn’t have done that, she should know that stealing is wrong!
I can definitely understand that you were upset. Sorry this happened to you! :(

If you want a new blue playground gym, just send me a PM and I'll order it for you. I don't time travel in NH, so it would take one day to arrive, but you could have it for free. I can also craft every sakura recipe, just need the materials. Hope you can get your stuff back! Don't let this awful person ruin your sweet escape for too long.
What a horrible co-worker. As someone who also plays with co-workers frequently and have them added as my best friends. Had this happen to me, I would have felt so betrayed. :( These are people who work with you day-in and day-out. There should have been a level of trust established, and it should simply not have happened.

It doesn't matter if it's 'just a game'. As someone who is also playing it, they ought to know how much time and effort others would have had put into their islands. Bringing their kid in to guilt-trip you is possibly the worst thing they could have done. If they allowed their kid to get away with it, they're being a bad parent. If they were actually the one who did it, they're not only a bad parent, but also a horrible person. >(

I'm not sure what DIY recipes you have lost, but I do have a small stockpile of spares. I'll be happy to let you have all of them!
No I'd honestly be pretty upset about this too. The fact they think it's okay to take this stuff even if it was their daughter is absolutely atrocious especially when some of the items are pretty rare or hard to come by, especially the cherry blossom recipes since those were only for april for a very limited time. It's also upsetting that they say you're overreacting since in these hard times there's very little to look forward to or things to keep your mind off stuff, so losing stuff on AC could be the tip of the iceberg, especially rarer items like the cherry blossom furniture or Nook miles items.

I'm sure there's plenty of people on the Bell Tree community who would be willing to help you out if you decide to continue, I'm so sorry this happened.
So they are teaching their daughter that stealing is okay to do? There's no excuse in the world that can make it okay. Stealing is stealing. If my daughter did that, I'd make her return all of the items she stole, along with making her give you a heartfelt apology. Honestly, I'd link your coworker to this thread to show her what the rest of the world thinks about this. I know evil can't be cured, but maybe it'll at least have her consider to rethink her morals.
That's quite the wall of words you got going on there. If you need another blue and green gym, I can give you one for the low cost of free.
People are legitimately awful, I’m sorry this happened. I’m happy to give you some hybrids and a couple NMT. With all the folks offering stuff, I am certain you will gain back most of what was stolen <3

Please be especially careful about the “best friends” thing moving forward.
It my fault for trusting people.
I found a great turnip price and someone that was willing to let me make two trips.
They gave me ten minutes and I rushed as quickly as possible to empty out everything in my pockets behind my nook cranny because i had opened my gate to my coworkers to sell their fruit (I would invite them but they knew to ask me before taking anything rule because my island is a work in progress and i dont have much time to play because ive been working non stop and sometimes im just too exhausted when i get home ) and i ended the session to invite them back when i reopened my gate from selling my turnips. I opened my gate and went to deposit my bells but i had a phone call so i walked away from my switch. some thirty minutes later i come back to majority of my fruit trees and bell trees shaken some hybrid flowers , all my seashells furniture and extra diy on my beach materials and mile tickets worst of all the stuff i left behind my nook that included nook mile furniture that i was able to find some one to trade colors with me white street lamps and the blue and green playground gym and the cherry blossom diys that i missed in april due to work that ive been looking for that someone on gamefaqs sold to me everything gone. i opened the group chat and i see someone saying to put my stuff back. i dont know why but i just started crying. i messaged my coworker that stole my stuff just asking for my stuff back .. the said "it wasn't them it was their daughter" and guilted me saying that she's crying which i know is a lie . then proceeded to say that its just a game and am i really upset over something like that. but what they didnt know is that im already having a very hard time personally work is exhausting and animal crossing was the only thing i was really looking forward to this year. it wouldn't have mattered but im not far in the game you know .... their island is practically done but still why lie and steal from me . and try to make me feel like crap for getting upset. i dont feel like playing anymore . and its my fault because i had them as best friends. why lie to me though i just don't understand. i know its just a game but its still not right😞
Okay okay okay, so I'm now gonna rant, I would say all the bad words I know but this is a forum and uh no so I'll just be as nice as possible,
what kind of crappy person does this, it's animal crossing
If they are really that pathetic to be stealing pixels they pretty much have no life :/ also why blame it on children? they still have to return the stuff, if your kid steals a 1,000 dollar ring you can't say "oh my kid took it so it's fine ill just keep it"
Also I could give you some free hybrids, this kind of stuff just literally feels like a punch in the gut to even read :(
It's already bad enough that people do this to random people online that they don't know, but it's even worse when you know the person in real life. I rarely tell others how to parent their kids, but it's disgusting that your coworker won't do the right thing here if it even was her "daughter".

Their attempt to spin it on you like you're the one with the problem is even more disgusting. Always remember that just because it means little to you doesn't mean that it means little to everyone else! Hopefully you don't have to interact with her much and I hope your other coworkers cut her out too. That's BS