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trust no one :(

and apparently they only did it as a joke for instagram they were planning to give every back and they thought going back in time would undue the diy and didnt know it autosaves which i think is a lie😒
Personally, I think that is a cop-out! Lame excuse. For someone who has basically, grown up with this game: colleague, best friend, acquaintance whatever or whomever this would not be deemed as funny but an act of terror and no excuse would justify this!
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Personally, I think that is a cop-out! Lame excuse. For someone who has basically, grown up with this game: colleague, best friend, acquaintance whatever or whomever this would not be deemed as funny but act of terror and no excuse would justify this!
Seriously if you enjoy watching someone get scammed you have no life :/
Personally, I think that is a cop-out! Lame excuse. For someone who has basically, grown up with this game: colleague, best friend, acquaintance whatever or whomever this would not be deemed as funny but an act of terror and no excuse would justify this!
I fully agree. Jokes are only funny when everyone is laughing. They did it on purpose and are playing it off to hide the embarrassment of getting caught.
I really don't think I was unkind in any way to be honest. Not everyone has to respond by coddling the affected. I feel bad for the OP for sure, please don't get me wrong, I feel bad for everyone it happens to when I see these threads on a nearly daily basis, that's why I nearly always choose to respond by encouraging other people to check their lists and remove anyone they're not actually close with, so to avoid the possibility of this affected them as much (obviously, not all the damage can be avoided - items can be picked up regardless). You chose to respond by offering @Saturniidae new hybrids to replace those lost (which is nice of you) and saying my advice is "meh" (which is pretty rude to be honest) despite this sort of thing happening every day to a lot of people who could actually probably use the same advice you're casually dismissing as "meh." I just am trying to encourage everyone to be safer.

My point is, I wasn't lecturing @Saturniidae - they're not a child; I'm sure they know how to avoid it in future off the back of this. I was encouraging everyone else to be more cautious and maybe proactively ensure that, if it was to ever happen to them, it doesn't have to be as serious because they didn't add someone they don't really trust as a person who can significantly affect your island (i.e. Best Friend).

I don't want you to think that I took any offense of anything to your post. Believe me I am very cautious . I thought it would be ok because they are my coworkers. Ultimately it is my fault. they made the whole thing up about their kid. I'm only recently active on the forum I wasn't aware that posts like mine were often. I dont want anyone to think that I'm looking for hand outs or anything because that would just make me feel worse that my intentions are misconstrued. I posted just to not only warn others of online play but to also let anyone know that if this has happened to them or similar that it's ok to be upset. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I cannot imagine stealing from someone in the first place, let alone someone you actually have to interact with again IRL. Even if her daughter was the one whole stole (part of me kinda doubts it), why would you allow your child to steal from someone (even if it is "just a game") and get away with it? That's not exactly setting a good example for your child. Ridiculous.
I don't want you to think that I took any offense of anything to your post. Believe me I am very cautious . I thought it would be ok because they are my coworkers. Ultimately it is my fault. they made the whole thing up about their kid. I'm only recently active on the forum I wasn't aware that posts like mine were often. I dont want anyone to think that I'm looking for hand outs or anything because that would just make me feel worse that my intentions are misconstrued. I posted just to not only warn others of online play but to also let anyone know that if this has happened to them or similar that it's ok to be upset. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I'm glad! I did start to worry my first post was perhaps a bit harsh, but none of it was directed at you personally - I was going for more of a call-to-action to get others to make sure they truly trust the people they've best friended and, I think in general, to just be careful with who they're inviting to their islands.

I'm sorry if I made it sound like yours is just another post amongst a sea of similar ones - that really wasn't my intention. I was trying to emphasise the importance of people checking their best friends lists to make sure they're actually people they truly trust, based on the frequency posts like this pop up (not just on this forum but other places too). I very much agree with you and think it's important to share these experiences!
People like this are the worst. I can't stand liars and theifs. :/
Firstly I'd like to thank everyone that sent me all these nice messages. someone expressed how the game is something that makes them happy right now with the state of the world and I very much relate to that. Please forgive me if I don't respond quickly.

I can't really answer questions about my job. The reason why I can't say anything to the person is because I'm their boss so for example if I were to react ANY way they can spread rumors and it might cost me my job and get me in trouble because I'm not supposed to be befriending workers outside of work. this bias policy. Even though I'm upset I cannot show that I am upset or treat them any differently. When I created the group i told the just as long as we never discuss current events or work stuff only animal crossing it would be ok. I hope this make sense.

and apparently they only did it as a joke for instagram they were planning to give every back and they thought going back in time would undue the diy and didnt know it autosaves which i think is a lie😒

i told them i dont want anything back. they can keep it and to stop doing that because they've done it to other players because they're bored in the game 😒
I KNOW that they are ONLY APOLOGIZING because of my coworkers defending me.

So it's a thing where people go to peoples islands to steal only to record to put online for internet points. just please be careful you all. the only reason I walked away from my switch was because it was people the i know and see everyday.
i'll gladly fight them for you, i can't imagine someone getting their kicks off stealing from someone else and bragging about it. honestly, this person seems to lack common sense and dignity since they're gutsy enough to do this terrible thing to their boss (not that it's okay to do it to anyone!) and if they truly believe that tting back would undue the diy, then they're clearly not smart.

i hope you get everything back, and that this doesn't negatively impact the game for you. people can be awful, but if you ever need anything, reach out!
I’m sorry they stole from you, guilt tripped you, and invalidated your feelings by calling it “Just a game.” It may be “Just a game” but it was still your own hard work. Plus if it was just a game why was the kid crying? Also why not offer to return it?
Wow that's an awful thing to do. I'd totally feel the same if someone did that to me! This game is a beautiful escapism from the real world. I understand how careful you must have to be, being their boss - awkward situation. I also saw that you said not to bother giving the items back - a shame as they shouldn't get to keep them all especially after the way they acted but then maybe you just don't want any more communication with them than necessary which is understandable! If the person has any sort of decency they would insist on not keeping the items for themselves!!

I definitely agree with the others that you should make a list of what you're missing and we can all try and help you get as much as possible back!! I don't have a great deal of valuable stuff yet but I do have a few hybrids and would happily spend what I can afford in Nook Miles giving you item colour variations :D
I'm sorry you had this bad experience. It just really boggles my mind too that it was someone you know from work who did this. You'd expect a stranger, who has less to lose (no existing relationship), to possibly do something like this. But a co-worker? Meaning an actual adult? And they lied and said a child did it? Wow. :(
what you are feeling is valid!! i would have been upset myself, especially since i (and so many others!) rely so much on the game as a form of escapism from the current reality. i think that was such a pathetic thing to do, especially when it was someone that you trusted.
Please don't let my experience deter you from online play. up until last night my online experience has been great and even more so when i started be active in the forums again after not being on for years. I wanted to apologize because my post was written when I was really upset. I don't hate this game because of this bad experience. I will just be more cautious and I want to continue to work on my island so that I can reciprocate the generosity that I've seen here. a lot of things were stolen of my island and i don't know if i am allowed to post them for the people that offered to help me acquire them again. I don't want to get banned from this site or anyone to take my post the wrong way. The main thing I'd like anyone to take from my experience is to not let anyone make you feel bad or invalidate how you feel especially if they didn't something wrong and "tell you it's just a game" and to be cautious of your island. Thank you all so much. I really feel much better.

It my fault for trusting people.

“This is a game” is interesting because, in the game that is “Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” the person—this co-worker—showed you his/her character.

It is a video game. It is not real life. But, this person—this real person—revealed himself/herself to you. In a game.

One thing you can do is put this into perspective: What was stolen from you had to do with your personal time and investment in the game (up to that point). What could have been worse is this: In real life, what gets stolen is money and possessions and other things.

This co-worker isn’t bright.

This co-worker showed you he/she is a thief. And that co-worker revealed himself/herself to you in a video game.

Stealing in a video game.

Children doing that is more understandable.

Adults doing that is an example of being a loser.

Here is your lesson: If you can help it, do not get involved with such people—in your real life (which also includes your real time)—who are losers.
@Saturniidae It doesn’t seem to be against any rules to post a list in this thread, I just wouldn’t use the trading board to ask for free stuff. If you’re really worried you can private message anyone who asks for it. Sadly I can’t help because I’m not very far in the game and don’t have switch online anyway 😔 But I can always provide emotional support!
unfortunate events
Just stumbled upon this thread, ouch.. I'm sorry this happened to you. Shoot me a PM sometime and I'll invite you over to my island to give you a million bells, blue roses/other hybrid flowers, and any fruits you may need to help you get back on your feet.
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