Someone please take the only mammoth in this game. I am sure he is pretty rare, and he's super nice =].
Also PLEASE have space already. If you suddenly TT someone out, make sure that animal you TT'd out was adopted. If not there is a good chance I will get your TT'd villager then >.<
Okay great!
I'll add you and TT to his moving date.
Also just a heads up, I'm in November lol
Oh and one more thing. So...Tucker's phrase is 'I'ma slut!"
But I swear I didn't make that for him.
I got Doc from a trade and Doc was already saying that from another town.
Suddenly some of my other villagers started saying it too, Tucker was one of them.
So I just TT'd to November 10th (Tucker is moving on the 13th) and I am just going to really quick TT day by day to get to the 13th. I have to so my alt. character can talk to Sable and have access to the QR machine, and on the 13th my alt. character will be able to access. My mayor character has no more room for holding designs.