Senior Member
Sumemr's Creature:
Reopening gates for group 2 D:
& yes @Nerakil c:
& yes @Nerakil c:
Reopening gates for group 2 D:
& yes @Nerakil c:
Resetti's keep happening for group 2.. :\
Is group 2 almost done selling?
Sometimes when you do groups of 3, it errors.. I had it happen once for a group of 3 before x_x It's pretty weird. It's a good idea to save half way through the turnip sells or save once one person is done.
I'm missing half a locker (please bare with me >.<)
Finally done buying! I'd love to come in the next group if you're still accepting, if not I understand as it's almost 7;30!
I'm not done, but I have to go soon. Thanks anyway, I got a good million from it at least. XD
I'll probably be accepting for a pretty long time tonight, but I will just be taking a short break when it's 5:30 PM PST.
Adding group 3 now then opening my gates!
Yay! I have a few drawers full of turnips, hope that won't be a problem.