UFO Findings & Opinings (Crews 3 & 4)


Project Staff
Jul 11, 2013
Galaxy Pizza
Yellow Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Silver Star Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
Enchanted Bloom
Toy Hammer

Look, in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... uh... I don't know what that is. Surely it must be something, right? And maybe there's a story behind it. We're well-seasoned space explorers, so surely we can form some hypotheses.

Task 🛸

Your mission, should you accept, is quite simple:
  1. Take a photo of the sky.
    This must be taken by you. You'll need to submit a second photo with a physical name card in it as proof! The name card cannot be edited in!
  2. In that photo, make sure there's a UFO! You can stage it using physical props, or digitally add one to the image.
    Anything goes! Unlike other events we've had in the past: you're free to use anything you'd like in this one, and you may edit the image however you want! So long as the composition is yours along with the original sky, you may do as you please.
    The UFO does not have to be a spaceship. As long as it's some sort of flying object that is reasonably "unidentified", it will suffice.
  3. Write roughly 1 paragraph or less (roughly 150 words or less) about it.
    This can be anything: where it came from, what it is, or even just some dialogue from an observer. As long as it's about your submitted image, it's fine.
    The specific length isn't as important, so long as it's not too long. If you want a hard cutoff: more than 200 words is too long. Aim for 100~150 at most.
  4. When you're happy with your submission, post it in this thread!
Submission Checklist
Before you post in this thread, make sure you've included everything in the checklist below! Please do not edit your post without permission.

✅ Did you include your submission?
✅ Did you include your proof (i.e. a photo with your name card in it)?
✅ Did you write roughly 1 paragraph or less?

Rules 🛸

  • The original photo of the sky must be taken by you.
    • Your username must be written on a physical name card and a photo of it with the same sky must be submitted as proof of this.
  • You may edit the photo however you'd like, and may include elements that you did not create yourself.
  • The sentences you submit must be written by you.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your creations. Submissions that appear rushed or made as a joke won't be accepted.
  • All entries submitted are final. Please do not edit your entry after submission unless asked to by a staff member.
  • Keep all creations appropriate. No hateful or vulgar content!
Due: Tuesday 1st of August 2023 @ 6:59PM EDT.

Voting 🛸

The crew favourites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the (y) Like or :love: Love or any unlocked reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

Prizes 🛸

  • Participation: 16 Bridge Tokens and 15 Points.
  • Community Voting Winners: 8 Mission Tokens and a Rainbow Crescent Moon collectible.

Bonus Achievements 🛸

There's only so many objects in the sky, right? Maybe we can classify them, or find common ties! As such, we've created a set of bonus achievements for each Quarter. Clearing these will reward your Quarter with additional points.

You saw it too?!At least 3 members of the same Quarter have the same UFO in their submission (the later posts must link to the earlier one.)+5
Is this... chain mail?At least 4 members of the same Quarter build off each other's stories.
The chain must originate from the same Quarter (and not from the other Quarter)
Note: UFOs used do not necessarily have to be the same. As long as the story is reasonably connected.
+2 for each post in the longest chain* for the Quarter
HivemindAt least half of the submissions from the Quarter are related to the same UFO (either using the same one, or being in a chain related to it).+20
UFOpiaAt least 10 different UFOs are submitted by the Quarter.+15
I've been abducted!Submit a UFO that originated from the other Quarter (and link to the original).+1 for each submission
It's a bird!At least one member submits a photo with a mysterious bird as the UFO.+3
It's a plane!At least one member submits a photo with a mysterious aircraft as the UFO.+3

* Chain: A linear sequence of submissions that build off where the last left off. Each new addition must quote or link to the previous submission in the chain (but does not have to link to all prior submissions).

Bonus points will be tallied up and added after the event closes.

Frequently Asked Questions 🛸

💬 Does "the same UFO" mean we have to use the exact same image?
No. As long as the design is the same and you quote the post it originates from, that counts as "the same UFO" for the sake of the achievements.

💬 Are there any limits to how we can collaborate within our crew? (e.g. things we can/can't discuss or do)
You may collaborate however you'd like as long as the following are true for the submission:
  1. The photo submitted belongs to the person submitting,
  2. Any edits to the photo were made by the submitter
  3. The sentences submitted are written by the person submitting
For example, writing someone's sentences for them is not okay, but giving them suggestions of what to write is perfectly fine! Similarly, editing someone's submission and adding UFOs or elements to it for them is no good, but providing them with the individual elements and suggestions is fine.

💬 What does "for each submission" refer to for the achievements?
For each submission that fulfills the given criteria for that achievement, your team will get the additional points. For instance, if Team A uses a UFO from Team B and uses it in 20 of their submissions, then you get +20 points. This can be different or the same UFOs from the other team -- it doesn't matter.

💬 Do the sentences have to be in any specific format? Can I write them like dialogue?
As long as there's 1-3 sentences in total, any format is fine! You can write script-form dialogue, narration, article-style... whatever you heart desires! It was left intentionally vague to give you more freedom.

💬 Can I quote multiple posts for "Is this... chain mail?!" (e.g. to do "I've been abducted!" at the same time)
No. Working backwards from the end of the chain would branch off at this point, and it would not longer be considered linear.

If it helps, try to think of the longest chain as: I should be able to go to the last chain in the submission and keep clicking on the quoted posts and get back to the start of the chain without having to make any choices.
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Going to start an FAQ, but some questions I've received (paraphrased and generalized, of course):

💬 Does "the same UFO" mean we have to use the exact same image?
No. As long as the design is the same and you quote the post it originates from, that counts as "the same UFO" for the sake of the achievements.

💬 Are there any limits to how we can collaborate within our crew? (e.g. things we can/can't discuss or do)
You may collaborate however you'd like as long as the following are true for the submission:
  1. The photo submitted belongs to the person submitting,
  2. Any edits to the photo were made by the submitter
  3. The sentences submitted are written by the person submitting
For example, writing someone's sentences for them is not okay, but giving them suggestions of what to write is perfectly fine! Similarly, editing someone's submission and adding UFOs or elements to it for them is no good, but providing them with the individual elements and suggestions is fine.

💬 What does "for each submission" refer to for the achievements?
For each submission that fulfills the given criteria for that achievement, your team will get the additional points. For instance, if Team A uses a UFO from Team B and uses it in 20 of their submissions, then you get +20 points. This can be different or the same UFOs from the other team -- it doesn't matter.

The news was on and this happened right outside my place and it actually looked like an odd spaceship with bunny ears! The reporters were going crazy yelling how it's stealing vegetables. I wonder where it's going?

Fun fact: The island across from me is Ford Island on the island on Oahu.
It houses cool things like the NOAA Marine Operations Center, Pearl Harbor Memorial, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, and Battleship Missouri. Lots of official-looking stuff. I definitely wouldn't be surprised I'd see some weird UFO there.

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The news was on and this happened right outside my place and it actually looked like an odd spaceship with bunny ears! The reporters were going crazy yelling how it's stealing vegetables. I wonder where it's going?

Fun fact: The island across from me is Ford Island on the island on Oahu.
It houses cool things like the NOAA Marine Operations Center, Pearl Harbor Memorial, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, and Battleship Missouri. Lots of official-looking stuff. I definitely wouldn't be surprised I'd see some weird UFO there.

Woah funny you should talk about this, across the pond in my neck of the woods i managed to get something very very similar on my security camera, unsure if it was linked but i went to get some veggies from the market the next day. They hadnt had there scheduled shipment in, apprently the delivery truck arrived empty

Its all starting to add up…..



[Breaking News!]

The news was on and this happened right outside my place and it actually looked like an odd spaceship with bunny ears! The reporters were going crazy yelling how it's stealing vegetables. I wonder where it's going?​

OMG are you kidding me?? This happened yesterday?

I was on my daily walk on the SAME DAY when I looked up in the sky and saw something WEIRD... I'm pretty sure what I saw was a spaceship too, but it was a completely different one? What's going on?! Should we be scared?

I SWEAR, I'm not making this up.



Too many coincidences here. I don't like it. Get me back inside!
Woah funny you should talk about this, across the pond in my neck of the woods i managed to get something very very similar on my security camera, unsure if it was linked but i went to get some veggies from the market the next day. They hadnt had there scheduled shipment in, apprently the delivery truck arrived empty

Its all starting to add up…..

View attachment 501105

The news about the strange UFO spreed like wildfire. Now an Austrian saw the strange flying object flying over the alps into his yard. She also caught the flying objekt with rabbit ears on camera!
"Not sure why but it's flying straight to my garden!" She said. We apologize for the poor quality photo and will keep you updated!

IMG_20230727_141005_11zon (1).jpg



  • IMG_20230727_141005_11zon.jpg
    663.5 KB · Views: 13
The news about the strange UFO spreed like wildfire. Now an Austrian saw the strange flying object flying over the alps into his yard. She also caught the flying objekt with rabbit ears on camera!
"Not sure why but it's flying straight to my garden!" She said. We apologize for the poor quality photo and will keep you updated!

View attachment 501142

It seems in all corners of the globe strange sightings were being seen. In the stormy skies of Scotland a deformed flying space Bunny was seen.. Reports have came in that crops of vegetables were being destroyed in seconds by this strange flying object.


Ahhh bummer, it’s a shame the deadline isn’t 2 days later. I’ll be driving past 3 Mile Island and I can’t think of a better sight for a UFO sighting than a nuclear power plant. Even if it is being decommissioned.

The news was on and this happened right outside my place and it actually looked like an odd spaceship with bunny ears! The reporters were going crazy yelling how it's stealing vegetables. I wonder where it's going?

Fun fact: The island across from me is Ford Island on the island on Oahu.
It houses cool things like the NOAA Marine Operations Center, Pearl Harbor Memorial, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, and Battleship Missouri. Lots of official-looking stuff. I definitely wouldn't be surprised I'd see some weird UFO there.

Oh, dude, I think I owe my friend an apology. He sent me this picture the other day freaking out about "bunny aliens" with their "stolen crops", so I told him that he needed glasses and then hung up to continue playing Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix. Honestly still think he needs glasses, but I guess he was right about aliens! Wonder if those bunnies have DDR where they're from?



hope it's ok that the picture is indoors! the mesh on my windows made it easier to blend the UFO into the sky OTL
It seems in all corners of the globe strange sightings were being seen. In the stormy skies of Scotland a deformed flying space Bunny was seen.. Reports have came in that crops of vegetables were being destroyed in seconds by this strange flying object.

View attachment 501116

View attachment 501167
I didn't believe these "silly" reports until I saw it here too, just before sunrise this morning! I ran outside when I noticed a bright light outside my window, and managed to snap an unfortunately blurry photo right before the thing zipped away. While we don't have a proper vegetable garden, all the wild veggies and mushrooms by our compost were gone, like they'd been sucked straight out of the ground.

UFO Findings.png

UFO Findings proof.jpg
I didn't believe these "silly" reports until I saw it here too, just before sunrise this morning! I ran outside when I noticed a bright light outside my window, and managed to snap an unfortunately blurry photo right before the thing zipped away. While we don't have a proper vegetable garden, all the wild veggies and mushrooms by our compost were gone, like they'd been sucked straight out of the ground.

View attachment 501186

I have something similar to report! I have a friend who lives in Arizona. He said he was making a vegetable garden over the summer, but they just vanished last night. On the 26th they were there, and today, POOF! It's like they never even existed. I believed he was just a crazy liar. That is, until he sent me this photo he took a few hours before the garden went missing.

It doesn't make a lick of sense though. This thing looks nothing like what anyone else reported! Then again, they've been doing the same things, so maybe they're working together for something?


Keep in mind that these are the same photos, just at different times. The UFO photo was taken at around 6:00 or 7:00 pm Mountain Standard Time, while the proof was taken closer to 9:00 am Mountain Standard time. Rest assured that they're the same location otherwise.
It has come to my attention that I am bad at counting and illiterate and didn't particularly keep to the 1-3 sentences limit! So, I've updated the rules accordingly.

The main goal of that rule was just so we wouldn't have to deal with texts that were far too long, and I ended up usually just eyeballing "Is this less than 1 paragraph?" ... And didn't end up counting the last few submissions properly and figured they looked roughly right. I realized that different people have different standards for sentence lengths anyways, so I should've probably used word limits from the start but I didn't want to have to throw submissions into a word counter.

Anyhow, since that was the goal of the rule, the wording now properly matches my intention. While it's now flexible, please try to keep the written portions short and a reasonable length.
fun fact: 3 sentences is usually as long as I tend to write paragraphs. my paragraphs are short and my attention span shorter. so that's why i picked 3 sentences as the limit initially.
I have something similar to report! I have a friend who lives in Arizona. He said he was making a vegetable garden over the summer, but they just vanished last night. On the 26th they were there, and today, POOF! It's like they never even existed. I believed he was just a crazy liar. That is, until he sent me this photo he took a few hours before the garden went missing.
View attachment 501207
It doesn't make a lick of sense though. This thing looks nothing like what anyone else reported! Then again, they've been doing the same things, so maybe they're working together for something?

View attachment 501208
Keep in mind that these are the same photos, just at different times. The UFO photo was taken at around 6:00 or 7:00 pm Mountain Standard Time, while the proof was taken closer to 9:00 am Mountain Standard time. Rest assured that they're the same location otherwise.

Arizona you say? They must be moving north then. Here I am in my neighborhood, about to take a walk down to the local farmer's market (one of the benefits of living close a rural area), and it turns out my favorite vegetable stall is closed! I talk to my guy and he's telling me to look up at the sky at high noon. Right. So I get home, it's 11:59AM, glance at the sky for a minute and I could NOT believe my eyes! Right above the clouds! Saw this lil dude! Don't know what he was but I know I have to go to the damn King Soopers if I want veggies this week.



On my walk, I thought I saw a bird or plane approach from the sky. It was a little alien searching for memes, but I had none to offer, so she flew away.


"Wow, what a coincidence! I was gazing at the moon in the early evening light when I also saw the same, little bird alien in the sky! The strange alien asked me if I had any cute space whales for her collection. I replied I didn't because I didn't know whales could be in space! She didn't take that very well and angrily flew away, screaming out loud "WHY DOES NO ONE HAVE SPACE WHALES OR MEMES?!" before she finally left."


The news was on and this happened right outside my place and it actually looked like an odd spaceship with bunny ears! The reporters were going crazy yelling how it's stealing vegetables. I wonder where it's going?

Fun fact: The island across from me is Ford Island on the island on Oahu.
It houses cool things like the NOAA Marine Operations Center, Pearl Harbor Memorial, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, and Battleship Missouri. Lots of official-looking stuff. I definitely wouldn't be surprised I'd see some weird UFO there.


If I hadn’t seen your news report earlier, I wouldn’t have believed my eyes when I saw a spaceship with rabbit ears casting a line into the river I crossed on my evening stroll. If it is indeed the same one you saw, it traveled close to 7700 miles today to reach the south of Germany. But what could it possibly want with some river fish? 🤔

