Uhg... I forgot just how hard this game was

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Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
I'm playing not pr0n again, I got thought the first 7 levels sorta easy... but I'm stuck on #9. Has anyone ever got past this?
He's talking about this.


Level 9: View the source code, the very long line, delete the sorce="not" and then press enter each time, you will be left with one word, you will also see a <br> that will seperate the username and the password, continue doing what you were doing and you will get your password, you should arrive at:

Username: turnmeon
Password: deadman

Lol, Beatles quote...
SuperHappyFuntimeNinja said:
He's talking about this.


Level 9: View the source code, the very long line, delete the sorce="not" and then press enter each time, you will be left with one word, you will also see a <br> that will seperate the username and the password, continue doing what you were doing and you will get your password, you should arrive at:

Username: turnmeon
Password: deadman

Lol, Beatles quote...
Yeah, I got past it. I'm at 12 now.

I knew what they were talking about with Paul is dead, I had heard that before.

oh, and if you do play it, on level 11 there is an F bomb (lol, I've never said that before XD) and I heard that on some of the higher levels there is some other stuff... but I've never been that high.
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