UK / European players? (and anyone else of course!)


dat tung
Jul 16, 2013
Green Fair Pinwheel
Blue Feather
Yellow Feather
Red Feather
Purple Feather
Green Candy
Blue Candy
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
100% (162) +
Hi all.

Just wondered if there's any UK or Euro players who wanted to hang out or do some tours sometime? I'm only asking because of the time difference! I'm happy to play with anyone anywhere in the world though, I just don't want anyone to think I'm never on (when really I'm just sleeping, lol).

My details are in my sig! Just an FYI I am 28 years old, always feel the need to say that just so any younger players know ^_^
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Hey Jessie.

I added you. I'm 28 years old, too. I'm from Germany so our times are almost the same. I don't have that many people in my list yet so I'm always looking for people to hang out with.
Today I have Katie in my town. Maybe we can meet later. Unfortunately today I don't have time in the evening or just very late. But maybe now or in the afternoon would be nice. Or another day of course... :D

Feel free to add me back. I'm a respectful player. I won't run, pick up things and such.
But please bear with me - I'm not a native english speaker. I do my best. ;)
Nice to meet both of you! Thanks for your replies. I'll add you both to my list now :) I'm doing a bit of trading now but if you're still around maybe we can meet up soon? Or whenever suits you. I love doing tours on the island :-D
That would be nice. If you open your gates I'll bring Katie over if you dont mind. :D
Let's say 12pm (your time)? (I mean in about 20mins?)
I'll check the train station then and bring Katie over and we can go on tour. =)
Looking forward to meeting you.
See you in a bit.
Hi, I am from the UK, would love to have a friend from the same time zone as most of the time I have to stay up late to chat to people. I have added your FC I hope you will add mine too :D
Hey guys, I'm adding you both now quickly, I'll be back on later tonight, probably around 9pm. If you can't make it then, hopefully see you sometime soon :)
Hey, I live in Germany as well! In Bayern to be more exact. I'm actually an American citizen though, just so you know because my deutsche is "nicht sehr gut" heh. I added you and hopefully we can hang out sometime.
Added you both, hope to catch you guys sometime soon!
Timple - my DS is saying you haven't registered my code. I'm not trying to rough you up, LOL, just letting you know. Oh & my German is awful, I was very lucky that the other German player on this thread, Ayari, speaks very good English! I would probably end up accidentally insulting someone's mother if I attempted speaking it.
My bad! I posted it and then got distracted by something. I just added you and I'm looking forward to hanging out with you.