Ukraine scandal


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
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What is everyone's thoughts on the Ukraine scandal affecting Donald Trump?

Reportedly Trump and Rudy Giuliani asked the Ukrainian government for information on Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's son.
There’s no need for foreign governments to care about our elections. This includes talking about other candidates’ families with foreign leaders.
There’s no need for foreign governments to care about our elections. This includes talking about other candidates’ families with foreign leaders.

Quite frankly, I don't see this matter as any of Trump's business nor that of the Ukrainian government.
senile reckless rudi's incredibly reckless senile moment. i'm not saying he has lost his mind, i mean i barely know the guy, it was just coffee, but i'll tell you this folks--could happen. could happen.


Same **** every election it seems. But no Bidens are none of their business, they just wanna **** thing up for Democrats obviously.
Politics have always been dirty, but I think we have crossed a line somewhere. A lot of politicans these days seem to put more effort into sabotaging each other rather than doing their job (some go further than others but that's another discussion). A dangerous thing is when we, the ones who elect these people, start accepting this kind of behaviour. It does nothing but fuel polarization and hate.
Politics have always been dirty, but I think we have crossed a line somewhere. A lot of politicans these days seem to put more effort into sabotaging each other rather than doing their job (some go further than others but that's another discussion). A dangerous thing is when we, the ones who elect these people, start accepting this kind of behaviour. It does nothing but fuel polarization and hate.

yeah, and journalists on huge newspapers digging up random photos of Trudeau like he hasn't matured or anything... Like come on we've all been young and dumb and forcing him to wear that shame is crossing the line a bit imo. yes it's not a good idea to do that but remember past were different
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Isn’t the thing that makes it scandalous is Biden’s interference with an investigation of his son, which is old news. Strange how they didn’t make a bigger deal over that, considering how obsessed the media is with Russia.
Isn’t the thing that makes it scandalous is Biden’s interference with an investigation of his son, which is old news. Strange how they didn’t make a bigger deal over that, considering how obsessed the media is with Russia.

I thought that was debunked?
It's really ridiculous how this is seemingly the norm with elections these days. Then when questioned it's often that projection is the answer which is way to privy to be accepted. Though I don't really jump into politics because frankly I like to live my own life. It really seems like Trump could even get away with murder as long as it's with a cool gun.
Nope. And now that it’s resurfaced we’re probably gonna learn a whole lot more about Biden, and it’s not gonna help his campaign one bit.

Do you have any evidence for this? I'm sorry, but I'm quite skeptical of what you've been saying.
tbh irregardless of what they're trying to get and if it is true or not, my only thoughts are that it is 100% illegal and if we had a properly functioning congress trump would be impeached by now and rudy thrown in prison

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Quite frankly, I don't see this matter as any of Trump's business nor that of the Ukrainian government.

it's to sabotage the 2020 elections in trump's favor

that's it

also, it's the same **** he pulled in the 2016 elections

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It really seems like Trump could even get away with murder as long as it's with a cool gun.

or just be non-white people locked away in concentration camps away from the general populace
“From the start, Hunter's role at Burisma was criticized by ethics watchdogs as a conflict of interest for his father, who was still vice president at the time and heavily focused on pressuring Ukraine to do a better job rooting out corruption. But some ethics watchdogs at the time also said that unless there was clear evidence Hunter got the job to influence US foreign policy then there was no cause for concern.”

“So, it's true that Biden was among those who pushed for Shokin to be fired as Ukraine's top prosecutor, but by the time this happened the probe into Burisma was dormant, according to Bloomberg.”

Quotes from Business Insider:

And again, looking into that will hurt Biden more than it will hurt Trump, that’s why Trump is already talking about putting out the transcripts of the call, and a lot of conservative leaders are encouraging it as well. Every time the media tries to pin something on Trump, it almost always backfires. I don’t think this will be any different. Guess we’ll just wait to see if Trump releases the transcripts, and where it goes from there. My guess is that it’ll be in Trump’s favor and Biden’s detriment.
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Trump wishes to Ukraine on Biden's parade buh dum ttss
“From the start, Hunter's role at Burisma was criticized by ethics watchdogs as a conflict of interest for his father, who was still vice president at the time and heavily focused on pressuring Ukraine to do a better job rooting out corruption. But some ethics watchdogs at the time also said that unless there was clear evidence Hunter got the job to influence US foreign policy then there was no cause for concern.”

“So, it's true that Biden was among those who pushed for Shokin to be fired as Ukraine's top prosecutor, but by the time this happened the probe into Burisma was dormant, according to Bloomberg.”

Quotes from Business Insider:

And again, looking into that will hurt Biden more than it will hurt Trump, that’s why Trump is already talking about putting out the transcripts of the call, and a lot of conservative leaders are encouraging it as well. Every time the media tries to pin something on Trump, it almost always backfires. I don’t think this will be any different. Guess we’ll just wait to see if Trump releases the transcripts, and where it goes from there. My guess is that it’ll be in Trump’s favor and Biden’s detriment.

I wouldn't be so sure of that, but ok. I'm pretty sure I had heard that whatever Joe Biden was supposedly implicated in was debunked.

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Trump wishes to Ukraine on Biden's parade buh dum ttss

Ok, that was funny as hell LOL! :p

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tbh irregardless of what they're trying to get and if it is true or not, my only thoughts are that it is 100% illegal and if we had a properly functioning congress trump would be impeached by now and rudy thrown in prison

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it's to sabotage the 2020 elections in trump's favor

that's it

also, it's the same **** he pulled in the 2016 elections

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or just be non-white people locked away in concentration camps away from the general populace

None of these things are surprising about Trump. I still maintain that Hunter Biden is none of Donald Trump's business and quite frankly military aid should not be pulled from Ukraine just because they refused to give this crap to him.

I was originally afraid of impeaching Donald Trump because I was afraid it may set a bad precedent for the future, regardless if he actually got removed from office or not, but this crap really can't fly. This is far worse than lying about sexual relations with that woman.
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I wouldn't be so sure of that, but ok. I'm pretty sure I had heard that whatever Joe Biden was supposedly implicated in was debunked.

Yeah, you already said that. Why not specify what you heard was debunked, and what it has to do with what I?ve posted?
That doesn’t explain anything, why would you choose to quote that part? By clicking on the link to the “debunked” article, it just confirms everything we’ve already known and why people are asking for a proper investigation, which was never pursued since 2014 (which is mentioned in the “debunked” article you didn’t quote from), only raising more questions.

“Questions about the potential Ukraine conflict resurfaced with recent reports of a video in which Joe Biden described how he’d threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees from Ukraine unless its leaders dismissed Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. The New York Times reported on May 1 that Hunter Biden had a stake in the outcome because at the time he was on the board of Zlochevsky’s company, where he was paid as much as $50,000 a month for his work.”

We can get some real answers once an investigation actually starts. Not sure why your source used the word “debunked” when the investigation that was suppose to be done was stalled, according to the bloomberg article they were referencing.

Edit: Oh, the Intelligencer is a blog, that’s probably why.
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