Underrated Nintendo Games


May 22, 2014
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Winter Mittens
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
What are some Nintendo games that (in your opinion) are underrated?
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MOST DEFINITELY The Legendary Starfy, because ONE: The characters are wonderful, TWO: The story is nice, THREE: It's the only game of its series to be released ANYWHERE outside of Japan.
MOST DEFINITELY The Legendary Starfy, because ONE: The characters are wonderful, TWO: The story is nice, THREE: It's the only game of its series to be released ANYWHERE outside of Japan.

ehhhhhh idk, TLS is alright, i just found it way too easy and repetitive.
Spirit Tracks

I feel that people just write it off as 'Phantom Hourglass 2.0' when in reality, it is its own game

It took the problems in PH and improved them (not needing to revisit floors in Tower of Spirits unless you want extra treasure, double tapping to roll, etc.) as well as adding new feature (more sidequests, especially the Lost at Sea Station) and having one of my favorite incarnations of Zelda in the series.

The Etrian Odyssey series comes to mind. Most of the reviews I see of the games go along the lines of "good but only for hardcore RPGers" which I think scares people away from an otherwise really fun bunch of games. Granted I haven't played all of them but I really enjoyed IV and Untold II, yet I wouldn't consider myself a hardcore RPGer. It's really satisfying to fill out a map that you make yourself, and the battling mechanics are deep but not convoluted. Normally your guild doesn't have a story and you kind of make up your own but they tried something different with Untold II where they gave the option of including a story and pre-existing characters and I thought they did a really good job, the characters were all endearing and the story was interesting. Not to mention the theme song is amazing.

Super Mario Sunshine because it's my favourite mario 3d platformer and possibly my favourite 3d platformer period, and I've only met like one person who agrees with me. But oh man those controls.
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Right now? I'm going with the Pok?mon Mystery Dungeon series. They get such a bad rap and lackluster ratings and I think they're amazing.

I know the plots to each one is the same basic formula, but why break what works?

I love playing AS a pok?mon and seeing the inner workings of their world. Plus the music is fantastic and that's always a big selling point for me
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  • Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix
  • Chibi-Robo
  • Nintendo Land
  • Balloon Fight
  • Pok?mon Pinball for Game Boy Color
  • Donkey Konga
  • Luigi's Mansion for GCN
  • Metroid: Other M
  • Wii Party
  • Pilotwings Resort
Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Pilotwings Resort, Dancing Stage: Mario Mix, Chibi-Robo, Luigi's Mansion (GCN), Mario Power Tennis and Wario World.
Another one for me is Super Paper Mario

Yes, it doesn't have turn based battles, but it has the best story in the tetralogy (4 games)
Pok?mon Link/Trozei games, they are actually fun c: Especially multiplayer.
1) pokemon mystery dungeon games
2) pokemon trozei
3) This shin chan game I got while I was in korea LOL
The entire Wario Ware series doesn't get enough attention. The characters, games, and the art are all quirky and fun.
wario land 3. tbh one of the best platformers. (sans ****ing above the clouds)
F-Zero GX, for sure. Nintendo seems to think they can replace F-Zero with Mario Kart :/
One of the games that I believe are criminally underrated is Drill Dozer (also known as Screw Breaker in Japan).

Only released in Japan and North America, this solid action platforming game is made by the same team that created the Pok?mon franchise, which had me even more surprised it didn't get enough spotlight. It has you extensively use the shoulder buttons in order to drill forward or backward. This particular mechanic is used for solving a number of puzzles, overcoming obstacles and defeating foes. There's 17 levels in this game and they are pretty long, but the level design is so clever it showcases the game's unique mechanic quite efficiently. The game does offer a good amount of replayability for the completionists.

Gameplay video
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