Underrated Nintendo Games

I agree with Pokedude- Spirit Tracks and Super Paper Mario may not have the most fans, but honestly, I think they're excellent games. Spirit Tracks was pretty fun, and the music was good. Same for SPM, and I can at least say that it's definitely not the catastrophe that Sticker Star apparently is either. It was different, but it did different right, in my opinion.
Well, I don't actually consider myself to have enough criteria to judge games, since I am an RPG sucker (I feel the only person in the world who never played a Mario nor DonkeyKong game, for example). But of course, there are some games I enjoyed like crazy because of story, plot development, characters or whatever, that in my opinion are great but underrated by the community.

The ones that come right now to my mind are Radiant Historia, Avalon Code (both DS), Heroes of Ruin (3ds) and the whole Golden Sun series. Also would add Link's Awakening, from the Zelda saga, same as the Oracles (the three for GBC).

p.s. I like Spirit Tracks so very much! :) Definitely in my Top5 of fave Zelda games.
I haven't tried the 3DS Paper Mario yet, but I loved it when it waaaaaay back when it was on the N64 LOL

Underrated hmm... definitely Pokemon mystery dungeon!