Name: Mephistopheles
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Weapon: An old, pathetic sacrificial knife with no real value to anyone who actually
attempts to fight her with skill, as it cannot penetrate bone without severe effort. It is very effective against the unsuspecting and scared, however.
Carnival Talent?: Juggles all manner of objects blindfolded.
Things they hate: Sight, extremely bright environment, loud noises, people who test her patience, people brave with stupidity, and the cold. She gets fairly frustrated at everything, and lashes out on the air due to her blindness.
Things they love: Quiet noises, to suss people out with her ears in the name of satisfaction.
Traits: Very fast, has amazingly good hearing, very prideful and relentless (Not a positive trait necessarily, though.), and very silent to be sneaky and all.
Other:I'm not going to spell her name right ever again.
She doesn't look particularly well in the first place, but the odd horn-like features only burst out of her skull upon midnight and her skin chars like a devil, when anyone with any heed of the situation has long left.