I don't think anyone ever deserves to be hurt. However, I also don't support people willfully breaking contacts because they feel entitled to do so. It's unfortunate that this situation came to blows, but if the contract he signed when purchasing the tickets, probably fine print but in writing nonetheless, stated that his ticket purchase did not ensure him a seat on the plane, then he was willfully trespassing. If someone is trespassing on your property, I don't expect you to do nothing and just let it happen either. That's why I'm saying it's, as far as I can tell, the fault of both parties. From what I read most airline tickets don't guaranty you a seat and legally can be exchanged for vouchers and a ride on a later flight. And while that might not be 100% consumer friendly, if it's the law then it should, until changed, be begrudgingly followed. We can't have a land where people follow whatever laws they feel is right, because what's right to you and me might be considered punishable by death to someone else. I'm being a little extreme but depending on where you are in the world some seemingly nonsensical laws are punishable by death.