Trading unorderables, DLC, region exclusives, streetpass, and island items!

I could trade you all of the items you listed if you'd also be willing to let me catalog 10 of the items from my catalog list. :s

Those are a little harder to convince me to trade if you are only offering hybrids/bells. Do you have anything from my my catalog wishlist you might be able to help with?

My main priority is getting missing items.

Ok! I will probably be getting you the first 10ish on your catalog list (excl. topknot wig), and will clear out a space near my plaza for the flowers and clovers! I'll add you in a bit as soon as the items get to my mail. <:

Ok! I will probably be getting you the first 10ish on your catalog list (excl. topknot wig), and will clear out a space near my plaza for the flowers and clovers! I'll add you in a bit as soon as the items get to my mail. <:

That sounds fine. Let me know as soon as you are ready - I'm about to fall asleep. @@

I forgot to specify any hybrids. I'm looking for pink lilies at the moment, but if you don't have enough of them then any will do, really.
If you still need the mush wall lamp I have two plus some red carnations? I'd really like a berliner and twelve grape plate
If you still need the mush wall lamp I have two plus some red carnations? I'd really like a berliner and twelve grape plate

I'd only need one, but could you do 1 mush wall lamp + 12 red carnations? I'd be happy to trade the two items you want for that.
That sounds fine. Let me know as soon as you are ready - I'm about to fall asleep. @@

I forgot to specify any hybrids. I'm looking for pink lilies at the moment, but if you don't have enough of them then any will do, really.

Ah ok, I set out each kind of hybrid before checking, but it's no problem.
I might not have that many, but I have a few that you can take!
I'm ready now, and will open soon!
I would like some stuff. What could I have for free once I've given you my things?
I would like some stuff. What could I have for free once I've given you my things?

Ha ha, dang, I don't know. I'm headed to bed, though.

If you figure any specifics out feel free to message me and I'll get back to you tomorrow.
Balloon tables and sofas available! can I trade them with the whole kappa costume?