Selling Unorderables: RV, Saharah, Furniture, Art, Nintendo, more

Could I buy the chocolate cake and turkey for 4 tbt in total?
I might be selling the chocolate cake to user Aazia, (I'm waiting on the reply there,) but the Turkey for 2TBT if that's okay with you?

Oh okay ^^ I'll still take the turkey (and lmk if the chocolate cake is still up for grabs or not).
Do you still have the flower bopper and a mush closet? If so I could offer 4-5 TBT for them :)
Oh okay ^^ I'll still take the turkey (and lmk if the chocolate cake is still up for grabs or not).

Sounds good, I will let you know when I can trade (should be soon.) And if Aazia does not want the Chocolate Cake.

Do you still have the flower bopper and a mush closet? If so I could offer 4-5 TBT for them :)

I'll do them for 4 TBT. Got a few things in progress at the moment, I will let you know when it's ready.
if the boxed figurine is available, I'd like to get it for IGB. how much are you asking for it?
I know we're down to the dregs but you can still purchase dregs. From me.
Do you still have the Hero’s Cap, Hero’s Pants, Hero’s Boots, and Majora’s Mask for 12 TBT?