I'm sorry y'all for the late response. I haven't been available these past few days, and also I didn't think I'd get trading offers this much. x_x;
ALSO I'm not accepting any offers
after this post until I can complete the trades which I already agreed with. Its too many to handle in my short available time... Sorry for the inconvenience.
Shimmer, @
Spoopy Christe,
Bixxy, @
mirumu, @
*Evee Beau and Kyle*,
and everyone in following posts.
Please let me know if you still need those items you asked, preferably through posting here or visitor message in my profile, not through pm.

Sure, if those items are still in my stock after I finished other trades placed previously!

100k each?
Also you can catalog items you like, but preferably not for keeping, since its too many items for one trade, sorry.
And yes, gorgeous set is available.

Sure, any items that are still in my stock when we trade.
And orderables are free, if its not too many.
You mean... pic, right? If yes, it available at this moment.

Yes, if its in my stock when we trade.
I'm sorry, I wasn't able to log on here past days.
Yes, its available atm.
Either is fine, I prefer IGB though.
If its the second 3mil?

How about 3 mil for ski set, and 1 mil for egg set? I'm negotiable for the egg set though.
Hi tokkio, how have you been doing?

Yes, I have them all atm.
-Sketchbook ... freebie
-Silver axe ... 200k?
-Gold house model ... 50k?
-Bamboo grass (x4 if you have..?) ... 200k each?
-Hagoita (x2 if you have..?) ... 400k each?

Yes you can. But I think its going to be too many items to trade at a time. I mean, I'm not sure if I can stay long enough to complete all in on trade. So... maybe we should do the trade at least twice, if okay?