Selling Unorderables/Sets/Pics *:.。☆..。*:

Ah hello! I am unsure if this is still open but I am interested in

Afternoon Tea Set
Newsprint Helmet
Bamboo Grass

if you still have them! I have Cream and Sugar. I can also offer 5mil bells!

(edit) Just saw your other post on the last page, I'll hold out until you are ready!

Thanks for your understanding! I'll message you when I'm done. ^^

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Super! I'm ready.

Okay. I'll add you and reopen when I'm done with current trade~

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Please come on over, gate to town ジェリィ is open for you.
Also I'm gonna adopt re-tail method. Please buy a pink rose in re-tail.

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Ah, dang... I just had a jellyfish lamp >.< Are there any other items you might be interested in?

Cafe uniforms? Or...a squid chair?

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Yeah we can do my first order in one trade and the sets in other trades :) Sorry for overwhelming you :(

Its fine, thanks for understanding~
Are you busy next an hour?

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I'm quite interested in having a Shaved Ice Lamp?? *^*

Thanks for the interest. I'll post here when I'm done completing current trades and ready for new offers. ^^

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how much for Marshal's picture?

I usually do 200k for each pic. But its up to you. :p
Hi :) 100k each?
Also you can catalog items you like, but preferably not for keeping, since its too many items for one trade, sorry.
And yes, gorgeous set is available.

Hi :) Sure, any items that are still in my stock when we trade.
And orderables are free, if its not too many.

Then may I buy some of the catalog items from you?

low screen
outdoor bath
paper lantern
paper wall lamp
paulownia closet
samurai suit
tea table

sword , bow and black katana?

I can pay igb or tbt for these even though they're free. I just need them for my bathroom lol
Then may I buy some of the catalog items from you?

low screen
outdoor bath
paper lantern
paper wall lamp
paulownia closet
samurai suit
tea table

sword , bow and black katana?

I can pay igb or tbt for these even though they're free. I just need them for my bathroom lol

Ah I meant, like I said in my first post, they are free to catalog when you purchase something or such. ^^;
Sorry if its confusing!
To make things easier let me make sure, are you after gorgeous set?

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Aghhh, I have no idea where my squid chair went >.<

Pfff, alright. Can you go 180 tbt for the set?
Hello! Can I please purchase the gorgeous set, princess set (except for the closet, chest, clock, dresser, curio and wall), and all paintings when you're finished? Thanks.
Can I buy an afternoon teaset for say, 1 million bells? I could go higher.
Ah I meant, like I said in my first post, they are free to catalog when you purchase something or such. ^^;
Sorry if its confusing!
To make things easier let me make sure, are you after gorgeous set?

oh yes, let me buy your the gorgeous set:3
how many afternoon tea sets do you have? if you have more than one can i buy one for 1mil?
oh yes, let me buy your the gorgeous set:3

Alright, then I'll place all Japanese themed interior stuff and...what it was, swards? Anyways I'll lay them out in my yard. Catalog them so you can order them in your shop.
Is this alright?
Also I adopt the re-tail method this time. Please purchase pink roses in my re-tail and put them down after that.
Are you available next half an hour?
I could get you a cream and sugar for an afternoon teaset. c: