N-no, I usually do 3 mil.
oh thats okay i was mixing you up with someone else sorry. but im home now i'll add your fc my town or yours?
N-no, I usually do 3 mil.
oh thats okay i was mixing you up with someone else sorry. but im home now i'll add your fc my town or yours?
Hi 500k is good could I also have 20 gold ores from your freebies and could I catalog the items on your catalog thread?
hi, i might be able to trade now, what's the price? in case you forgot, i'm buying the throwing beans and poppy's pic!
I got your message, and would still love to trade! Thank you! I will be available from 3 pm tomorrow, to basically any time after that during the weekend.
How much would you like for the 7-11 set?
Hi Red.Can I buy your nice painting? Also, when do you think you will have more art in stock? Also Dango
Oh I just realized I don't need the nuggets
How about 6m for the whole 7-11 set?
Hi Hearcore
I'll be able to restock them when I'm done ALL the trades here. --> x
Actually I have to update this list to add some more... had not time to update...
And okay sure. I'm on the middle of a few trades, I'll let you know when I'm ready for you. It will take at least an hour since one of these trades is a little large one.
- - - Post Merge - - -
- - - Post Merge - - -
A little low. Double?
That is okay. Just PM or VM when you're all ready ^^
Oh ok, im sorry, 12m is good then?
Id still wait for you and my food items order! Please let me know once you're back! Thanks!
Hi Reman! Okay will surely do. Thank you.
Also this is the dc I mentioned, I cannot check rn if it still works. Try yourself!