Selling Unorderables/Sets/Pics *:.。☆..。*:

Hi! Would I be able to purchase the New Year's noodles, veggie basket, shaved ice lamp, and your flour and vinegar? I'm not completely sure what is an appropriate offer but I'll say 1.5 mil? Let me know if you would like more!

Hi :) Sure. Can you give me like 15 mins? I'm getting phone call rn and will be able to trade soon.
And thanks for offering a good price. 1mil is sufficient. c: If okay add me please.
I'll add you and check back in 15!

(Though I double checked your catalog list, and would it be possible to catalog your stewpot as well? Let me know when you get back. :) )
i would like to have:
wheat bundle,
Sailboat Model,
Veggie Basket,
Throwing beans,
Cucumber Horse,
Afternoon Tea Set
Kimbap plate
pics of flurry, stitches and mint.

how much would all of it be? c:
trade memo

--- consent ---

tokkio - x
Kimbap plate
Tteok plate
Throwing beans
Rice Cake
New Year's Eve Noodles
Veggie Basket
Newsprint Helmet
for 2 mil​

Animefan4ev3r - x * Done!
Newprint hat
Bell knickknack
for 600k​

Oriana - x
Chief's pic
Valiant statue
for 200k​

Thejamesjackson - x * Done!
Red ogre mask
Good luck sushi roll
New years noodles
Kimbap plate
for 1 mil​

*Evee Beau and Kyle* - x
7-11 set
Toy Hammer
Cyan Pinwheel
Good Luck Sushi Roll
Vanilla Soft Serve
for 20 mil​

lulu dog - x * Done!
All Japanese holiday items for 2.4 mil​

ProfessorMiku - x * Done!
Kimbap plate
Teok plate
God luck sushi roll
Rice cake
New year's eve noodles
for 1.5 mil​

kathyceeiscool - x - Cancel
Stitches' pic
for 600k​

squirelT - x * Done!
7-11 set for 12 mil​

springpup - x * Done!
Princess set for 3 mil​

Heartcore - x
nice painting

food related items​

Daniellethevegetarian * Done!
Kimbap plate for Jellyfish lamp​

princesskyndal * Done!
Polka dotted papa bear and Crane game for Jellyfish lamp​

--- under negotiation ---

Monga21 - x

Kittilicious - x * Done!
All unorderables​

Mayor Coco - x * Done!
Butterfly wall
Catalog :
Rainbow screen
Slushie machine
Cherry blossom clock​
freebie : Wii Balance Board​

Jhunbun - x
Throwing beans​

kiwi34fruit - x * Done!
Kimbap plate
Cucumber Horse
Serene Painting​

Rebeth13 - x * Done!
Throwing beans
Red ogre mask​

Sir Integra - x * Done!
All streetpass items
Kimbap plate​

Greninja - x * Done!
Toy hammer
Throwing beans
for 500k?​

cheezyfries - x * Done!
Throwing beans
Poppy's pic
for 400k?​

--- another plan ---

Diamondarcadia - x * sent a pm about catalog thread
Orderable DLC clothing
Orderable DLC furniture​

OLoveLy - x * sent a pm about catalog thread
Camping/igloo stuff (all)
Japanese interior (all)
Japanese hat (all)
Japanese food relates​

- - - Post Merge - - -

i would like to have:
wheat bundle,
Sailboat Model,
Veggie Basket,
Throwing beans,
Cucumber Horse,
Afternoon Tea Set
Kimbap plate
pics of flurry, stitches and mint.

how much would all of it be? c:

Hi! :D Afternoon tea set is sold out, sorry. And in total...about 3mil?

wheat bundle - 300k
Sailboat Model - 300k
Veggie Basket - 200k
Throwing beans - 300k
Cucumber Horse - 200k
Hagoita - 400k
Kimbap plate - 400k
Flurry's pic - 150k
Stitches' pic - 150k
Mint's pic - 150k
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great! :3 can i maybe get the pikmin from your freebies? c:
tell me when you are ready!
I will restock KR items but not sure exactly when, as soon as my friends in KR got free time to play ACNL I guess.
And yes, 1mil for all you asked is good. Thank you!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hi :) 400k for Kimbap plate just this week.
As for cataloging I'll inform you something later. Free of charge basically.
And 500k for all streetpass items?

Great, I'll take it haha

Id like to order the following items:

Kimbap plate
Tteok plate
Sparkling Cider
Veggie Basket

And the following villager pics:


Also, do you have other food items ? Id really love to buy some food items as Im opening a restaurant. Please PM once available (and price as well!) Thanks!
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I will restock KR items but not sure exactly when, as soon as my friends in KR got free time to play ACNL I guess.
And yes, 1mil for all you asked is good. Thank you!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hi :) 400k for Kimbap plate just this week.
As for cataloging I'll inform you something later. Free of charge basically.
And 500k for all streetpass items?

i actually got all the streetpass items already, so i'll just be buying the Kimbap plate :) 400k~

thank you very much!! i'll be on later so just let me know when you're ready to trade c:
How much for the princess set, new years eve noodles, good luck sushi roll, rice cake, and Genji's pic?
Hi, only just saw your reply :D
I would like to catalog the stuff :) And how much would you want for the wallpaper? 5k?
Great, I'll take it haha

Alright. Please let me know when you get online next. Thank you!

- - - Post Merge - - -


Id like to order the following items:

Kimbap plate
Tteok plate
Sparkling Cider
Veggie Basket

And the following villager pics:


Also, do you have other food items ? Id really love to buy some food items as Im opening a restaurant. Please PM once available (and price as well!) Thanks!

Hi :) Okay. I'll pm you about other food related items later. Also would these prices below sound fair to you?

Hagoita ... 300k
Kimbap plate ... 400k
Tteok plate ... 400k
Sparkling Cider ... 200k
Veggie Basket ... 300k
Pics ... 150k each ( Rodney / Flurry / Soleil )

in total about 2 mil

- - - Post Merge - - -

i actually got all the streetpass items already, so i'll just be buying the Kimbap plate :) 400k~

thank you very much!! i'll be on later so just let me know when you're ready to trade c:

I'll pm you after I wake up, that is your night time. That's maybe the only time frame which we both can get online? ^^;

- - - Post Merge - - -

How much for the princess set, new years eve noodles, good luck sushi roll, rice cake, and Genji's pic?

Hi :) I usually do 3 mil for Princess set. And following for other items you asked.
JP holiday items excluding beans and sushi role ... 200k
Throwing beans / Good luck sushi role ... 300k
Villager's picture ... 150 - 200k

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hi, only just saw your reply :D
I would like to catalog the stuff :) And how much would you want for the wallpaper? 5k?

Hi :) 5k is fine. As for cataloging I made a new thread. Will you check it when you have time?
Are you available now?