Unpopular Opinions

I really do not like simple panel buildings. They just look so weird to me.

Also its kind of funny how some of the loudest people who were judging how others play and accusing people of not playing the game right and ruining the game for everyone...are the same people who quit earlier than the so-called 'dirty, cheating tters' because the game got boring for them. A lot quit waay earlier than they claimed the 'cheating' tters would.😆
I haven't really gone out of my way to look too into the matter and gather public opinion, so this may well be a popular opinion and I just haven't seen it much, but to be perfectly honest I think the houses in this game are terrible.

This is a very unfortunate thing for me personally, since I don't really care about beautifying my island in the same way that so many other people seem to. My island is decorated with items, sure, but it's mostly just out of a sense of obligation because I want to maintain a 5 Star rating and keep getting more Jacob's Ladder flowers. There are certain things I've thrown around the island that I like, while there are others that I just had to throw in because Isabelle wanted more. While I appreciate the freedom to decorate the island, it's not really that appealing to me on a personal level.

One of the main draws to Animal Crossing series for me has always been decorating the rooms of the player houses. Unfortunately, the only decently sized room in a fully upgraded and complete home is the main room. The back room and the side rooms are all small, while the basement and second floor are long but don't go back very far. Some people seem to like this because they found it hard to fill the big rooms from previous games, but I keep finding myself running into problems trying to design a room in some of my player houses that aren't sabotaged by the awkward room layouts.

For example, one of my characters is a professor and she has both a library and a lecture hall in her home. I've found the lecture hall concept to be absolutely wrecked by the room sizes. It looks like junk and blocks the doorways if I try to put it in the main room, the back and side rooms are far too small, and when I threw it into the second floor, I found that if I do two rows of lecture hall benches, accompanied by lecture hall desks, then I have no room for my character, this supposed professor, to have a desk to sit at or a podium to stand at and lecture from. The obvious solution, then, is to remove a row of lecture hall benches and their associated desks, but then I only have one row of each. Some lecture hall at that point, guess she's teaching a class of 8.

I've run into a similar issue with a club I made, and I've had to make sacrifices to an arcade I made in another character's house. It's to the point where, while I appreciate the increases to the amount of items we can keep in storage since I love collecting the clothes, it almost seems excessive to have so much storage because I can't fit a lot of furniture in the darn houses.

To a lesser extent, but nonetheless still bothersome, I find the selection of home exteriors to be underwhelming compared to New Leaf. There are probably a similar number of customization options, but the home exterior options in New Horizons are far more uniform and samey. I've also, for some examples, found it a hassle to be able to find any exteriors in this game that look good with a purple roof and find the pinks of the mailboxes, doors, and roofs to not go together very well.

I still enjoy the game, don't get me wrong, but some aspects feel like one step forward, two steps back.
I agree! I much prefer the sheep now they have shirts. I never liked them with scarves and it did put me off their design

I kind of miss their scarves because they were unique, but I also really like that they have shirts now! Stella looks so cute in her default sweater. And I especially love that Muffy can finally wear a lolita dress that matches her headdress!
The more I think about this, the more I wish we had extra customizable community buildings, the likes of what we saw in Happy Home Designer. That way we'd be able to say, actually place a library or cafe that we can decorate instead of just trying to make one outside (which looks tacky and makes no sense). None of them would be forced on the player to place, but we'd have the option to place these buildings and then decorate them.

Ahhhh, I want that so badly! I would love if we had some blank slate buildings in a separate area and could interior design them like HHD and then designated them into different categories so villagers could use them accordingly (like a "cafe" would have villagers remark on the coffee and baked goods for example). I was kind of hoping NH would go into that direction after HHD but maybe it's something Nintendo could consider in the future? I feel like it would make the game more community orientated.
I'd gladly give up terraforming for something different to do... more npcs, building a downtown area, or even more interaction/play with the villagers. I don't hate terraforming, I just don't care that much about it.
I dislike the snowy weather on the island. It just seems weird for there to be snow on an island.
Would trade crafting for more interesting villager conversations. By now they should have distinct individual personalities
I think this is unpopular (not sure) but I actually like the outdoor library I built on my island last year. I call it the Book Nook, named after an A-Z Mystery book I read every spring to my kids at work lolol.
I think this one is very unpopular, please don’t hate me :eek:. I think the dialogue in the game is pretty good. I don’t find the repetition particularly intrusive or bothersome, and I still come across new dialogue and conversation all the time (after 1600+ hours of game play)

But more than that, the game is (for me at least) an imaginative game, and if each villager had very specialized individual interests and dialogue it would probably take a lot of the magic out of it for me. I love my favorites because of the impressions and stories I build up for them in my head. I don’t want them having some kind of preset developed personality that takes that away from me.

For example in one of Tabby’s old info cards in nookipedia it says her goal was tennis player. I would hate it if she talked about tennis and was individualized as an athlete in the game.

leaving aside the insane, never going to happen level of work that would be involved in writing endless individual dialogue for 400 villagers, etc. I just like that the villagers personalities are not overly determined. I want to like who I like without having to hope someone else’s story for them fits my own.

to be clear, I am not saying there is no room for improvement or that I would dislike enhancements to villager interactions.

but I am happy with it the way it is, I like my villagers as they are, and I like having the space to fill in the blanks with my imagination. They are the heart of the game for me and I find them completely endearing.
i have an unpopular one which I'm probably going to get so much hate on but I will just say it. Brewster coming back won't make the game any better. Now hear me out when I say this. I used to be one of those people who wanted Brewster to come back, but when I went back and replayed past AC games I had to remember what was he used for. He appears in Wild World inside the Museum you can talk to him, he gives you Coffee and after talking to him many times he would give you Pigeon Milk and then ask you what your favorite blend is and he would give it to you. Of course KK shows up and he was always there to hear KK singing.

In City Folk, his role is still the same, but the only difference is that he will actually let you store Gyroids, since he is a fan of them, but then its like you have storage in your home so it just makes it weird how you can ask him store Gyroids when you can just put them in your home or in storage. Again like Wild World when you buy enough Coffee he gives you Pigeon Milk and then asks you what your favorite Blend is and thats pretty much it.

In New Leaf, this is where they really changed it up. Brewster is no longer in the museum, but instead when you finally donated enough items to the Museum, Brewster will be able to have his own building called "The Roost". Whats changed is that he no longer lets you store gyroids like in City Folk, but instead after you talked with him enough times you can actually get a "take out" to get Coffee on the go. You can work with him after he opens up to you and you always have to remember what villager likes their coffee with. If you do right enough things he gives you Coffee Beans and sometimes Coffee related Furniture.

Now we come to New Horizons, where it is true that Brewster was datamined to make a return, but the more I keep thinking about it the more it just doesn't add up. What purpose would Brewster have. Since we have a lot of home storage, we can store Gyroids (if they ever make a return) and also those Coffee items that I mentioned you can just get it from Nook's Cranny so there is no point of having Brewster. I guess maybe if you liked the music of Brewster and you enjoyed talking to him I can see the appeal, but from a gameplay standpoint, he probably won't do much in the game since you can just order coffee from him and get special rewards.

Don't get me wrong Brewster is an NPC that many people really want to come back, but the more I think about it the more it just doesn't add up. Unless if they like change his role to be different and he can do more things than serving coffee to you I don't see how Brewster would make the game any better. They can still add him back, but they have to really make him work differently to fit with the style that New Horizons is going for.
I still love the Teacup rides. I wish there were more colors of them and more amusement park items. I'd love a carousel or ferris wheel (I guess ferris wheels aren't really feasible though since they are so tall.) But still, the Teacup ride was one of the first items that hooked me into wanting to play ACNH and I still love them.

Edit: I meant to put this in the positivity thread. I think I need new glasses.
I'm amazed at how creative players are in Horizons, and the patterns some create are awesome. The umbrellas and standees being used as boxes, campers, buses, etc are so clever, but I just can't use them. I've tried, but I think they look weird unless you're looking at them from a certain angle. I feel the same about using panels as buildings. Some players do it right, and it looks good up close and from afar, but I feel like that's kind of rare.
I think this one is very unpopular, please don’t hate me :eek:. I think the dialogue in the game is pretty good. I don’t find the repetition particularly intrusive or bothersome, and I still come across new dialogue and conversation all the time (after 1600+ hours of game play)

But more than that, the game is (for me at least) an imaginative game, and if each villager had very specialized individual interests and dialogue it would probably take a lot of the magic out of it for me. I love my favorites because of the impressions and stories I build up for them in my head. I don’t want them having some kind of preset developed personality that takes that away from me.

For example in one of Tabby’s old info cards in nookipedia it says her goal was tennis player. I would hate it if she talked about tennis and was individualized as an athlete in the game.

leaving aside the insane, never going to happen level of work that would be involved in writing endless individual dialogue for 400 villagers, etc. I just like that the villagers personalities are not overly determined. I want to like who I like without having to hope someone else’s story for them fits my own.

to be clear, I am not saying there is no room for improvement or that I would dislike enhancements to villager interactions.

but I am happy with it the way it is, I like my villagers as they are, and I like having the space to fill in the blanks with my imagination. They are the heart of the game for me and I find them completely endearing.
I think the issue I have with the villager dialogue in my personal opinion is the the personalities. Like say if you have 4 Lazy villagers on your island they are all going to talk the same way. Also the villagers talking to each other it does happen on rare occasions but when I see it, I just seem arguing about the same stuff. Like for example. 2 of my Cranky's Apollo and Fang were talking about who is more crankier and I just told them I like them both. Then the next day they talked to each other and they were again talking about who was cranky. So there's that. The issue is that when you play the next day those conversations you already had yesterday get repeated again.

Let be clear I have nothing wrong with what they are saying and while I do agree with some comments that it got rid of the whole Tutorial dialogue from past games it still feels repetitive. I mean once you seen all the dialogue you expect your villagers to talk about something else but again the problem is when you play the next day the conversations you already had get repeated. Like for example yesterday Raymond was commenting on my outfit and then the next day when I talked to him he commented on my outfit yet again. Its stuff like this that makes me not want to talk to my villagers because I already know what they will say and there is no point of talking to them.

Its even worse when you have your "Best friend" villager because once you get their photo they don't really do much. I can't tell you how many times they would run up to me try to change name and I told them no on several occasions they would send me mail or gift me items that I don't need most of them was just clothing and furniture. This would not bother me if there was more variety of items they would give you rather than clothing or furniture but having to constantly check your mail and your villager keeps giving you the same items it gets repetitive. So thats why I find myself having to let them move out just to have a different villager.

There needs to be improvement with the topics they talk about and not trying to keep repeating it every single day because once you heard so many times it gets repetitive. Just like Isabelle's announcements when she always says there is no news today and always talks about her personal life. The Point I'm trying to say is that even though you seen this dialogue in different ways its the problem having too many of the same personality villagers on your island that makes it repetitive. Hence the reason why I don't bother inviting too many villagers with the same personality because I already know what they are going to say. Its sad to say this because its so predictable.
I think the issue I have with the villager dialogue in my personal opinion is the the personalities. Like say if you have 4 Lazy villagers on your island they are all going to talk the same way. Also the villagers talking to each other it does happen on rare occasions but when I see it, I just seem arguing about the same stuff. Like for example. 2 of my Cranky's Apollo and Fang were talking about who is more crankier and I just told them I like them both. Then the next day they talked to each other and they were again talking about who was cranky. So there's that. The issue is that when you play the next day those conversations you already had yesterday get repeated again.

Let be clear I have nothing wrong with what they are saying and while I do agree with some comments that it got rid of the whole Tutorial dialogue from past games it still feels repetitive. I mean once you seen all the dialogue you expect your villagers to talk about something else but again the problem is when you play the next day the conversations you already had get repeated. Like for example yesterday Raymond was commenting on my outfit and then the next day when I talked to him he commented on my outfit yet again. Its stuff like this that makes me not want to talk to my villagers because I already know what they will say and there is no point of talking to them.

Its even worse when you have your "Best friend" villager because once you get their photo they don't really do much. I can't tell you how many times they would run up to me try to change name and I told them no on several occasions they would send me mail or gift me items that I don't need most of them was just clothing and furniture. This would not bother me if there was more variety of items they would give you rather than clothing or furniture but having to constantly check your mail and your villager keeps giving you the same items it gets repetitive. So thats why I find myself having to let them move out just to have a different villager.

There needs to be improvement with the topics they talk about and not trying to keep repeating it every single day because once you heard so many times it gets repetitive. Just like Isabelle's announcements when she always says there is no news today and always talks about her personal life. The Point I'm trying to say is that even though you seen this dialogue in different ways its the problem having too many of the same personality villagers on your island that makes it repetitive. Hence the reason why I don't bother inviting too many villagers with the same personality because I already know what they are going to say. Its sad to say this because its so predictable.

yeah, I guess nothing you describe really bothers me, but is understand where you are coming from! I don’t need them to give me anything in particular, but I appreciate the ritual of gift and return gift. I’m not bothered by the personality system, in fact it makes me more likely to have a variety of villagers, which I think is part of the game design, for better or worse.

the personalities make sense to me as a way to make variety in the villagers in a manageable way (i do believe they make more sense in Japanese than English, where they use different first person pronouns and have very distinct speech styles). It’s not perfect, perhaps, but in my opinion it is a decent way to handle having such a large number of villagers, and wanting them to not all be the same. (400 distinct sets of dialogue is just not feasible or reasonable, imo)

I mean when it comes down to it everything I say is a matter of opinion, just like your opinion is yours, and I respect that.

I know everyone experiences things differently, and I’m not trying to force you to see it the way I do. Like I said in my original opinion, I am not bothered by the repetitiveness, and would appreciate but don’t need any improvements to the villager dialogue/ mechanics to be satisfied with them. but I know not everyone agrees, and I am okay with that. To each their own.

tbh, I was pretty nervous when I saw there was a response to my post. Some of the difference of opinion on this topic can get very aggressive. But I appreciate you expressing yourself in a calm and non insulting way.
yeah, I guess nothing you describe really bothers me, but is understand where you are coming from! I don’t need them to give me anything in particular, but I appreciate the ritual of gift and return gift. I’m not bothered by the personality system, in fact it makes me more likely to have a variety of villagers, which I think is part of the game design, for better or worse.

the personalities make sense to me as a way to make variety in the villagers in a manageable way (i do believe they make more sense in Japanese than English, where they use different first person pronouns and have very distinct speech styles). It’s not perfect, perhaps, but in my opinion it is a decent way to handle having such a large number of villagers, and wanting them to not all be the same. (400 distinct sets of dialogue is just not feasible or reasonable, imo)

I mean when it comes down to it everything I say is a matter of opinion, just like your opinion is yours, and I respect that.

I know everyone experiences things differently, and I’m not trying to force you to see it the way I do. Like I said in my original opinion, I am not bothered by the repetitiveness, and would appreciate but don’t need any improvements to the villager dialogue/ mechanics to be satisfied with them. but I know not everyone agrees, and I am okay with that. To each their own.

tbh, I was pretty nervous when I saw there was a response to my post. Some of the difference of opinion on this topic can get very aggressive. But I appreciate you expressing yourself in a calm and non insulting way.
Yeah you have your opinion and I have mine its understandable, but if there is one thing we can agree on there is room for improvement for the villager dialogue regardless if you like it or not.
Related to posts above, but I kinda like the dialogue in the game. Sure, there's room for improvement, but sometimes little things make me chuckle. I think my favorite is from a snooty, sometimes I'll give her some new clothes, and her line is "I never do this, but I'm going to try this on right now!" *Proceeds to do it every time*

Also, not quite "dialogue" per-se, but sometimes Plucky will give me the three options of talking to her, and one of them is "lay it on me" which makes me laugh cuz she's a chicken.

Idk, I'm simple, I like the stuff they say.
I actually love the idea of limited time items. I remember when I played City Folk on the Wii and "Nintendo" would send me a letter once a month with a new limited edition item; it felt so special. If I missed a month I was upset, but there were always players willing to trade because they had made a bunch of characters and gotten multiple of these items.