She is basically HR for Tom Nook indentured servitude. So her personality fits well. I am okay with that.My unpopular opinion is kind of a controversial one, and kinda series specific, but it's gotten stronger since ACNH. I really dislike Isabelle...
I know she's now the poster pup for the series, but I absolutely dislike her with a passion. She was okay to start with in New Leaf, and I thought, yeah she seems sweet, but I just find her annoying. I also think she's a bit too 'happy' and 'peppy'. I've nothing wrong at all with people being optimistic and excited etc, but it just seems fake to me. I know she's super popular now with fans and everything, but I also don't agree with her being the poster pup for the game. I think there's a lot more characters who should be the 'mascot' for the series. I know Nook is also kinda a mascot for the series, and though he's a swindly little rogue, I don't mind Nook. The fact that she is pretty useless in ACNH, with her updates at least, is also annoying. Like how she says nothing is happening on the island, when we have daily visitors etc. I feel like she was added in for fan service, rather than them having a specific idea for her. I will say this though, I did like how with Valentines Day, only the villagers you have high friendship with gaveyou chocolates. On my main island all of my villagers gave me chocolates as well as Isabelle, but on my 2nd island only Agnes and Isabelle gave me chocolate, so I did like that even if you have no one on your island with high enough friendship, you still had Isabelle.
to be fair, shrunk is litShe is basically HR for Tom Nook indentured servitude. So her personality fits well. I am okay with that.Any character filling in during the morning update would get annoying after a while! What, do you want Shrunk in that role???
NH really didn't do Isabelle any favours tbh - her rambling at the start of every new day is a bit wearing, and It really highlights the need for a more informative announcement of the islands visitors. It's mental that she is like, "no news today - oh wait, I found my missing sock!" when there is a unconscious seagull pirate washed up on the shores, or a camel selling carpets (who is very stealthy and hard to find on my mountainous forest island lol).My unpopular opinion is kind of a controversial one, and kinda series specific, but it's gotten stronger since ACNH. I really dislike Isabelle...
I know she's now the poster pup for the series, but I absolutely dislike her with a passion. She was okay to start with in New Leaf, and I thought, yeah she seems sweet, but I just find her annoying. I also think she's a bit too 'happy' and 'peppy'. I've nothing wrong at all with people being optimistic and excited etc, but it just seems fake to me. I know she's super popular now with fans and everything, but I also don't agree with her being the poster pup for the game. I think there's a lot more characters who should be the 'mascot' for the series. I know Nook is also kinda a mascot for the series, and though he's a swindly little rogue, I don't mind Nook. The fact that she is pretty useless in ACNH, with her updates at least, is also annoying. Like how she says nothing is happening on the island, when we have daily visitors etc. I feel like she was added in for fan service, rather than them having a specific idea for her. I will say this though, I did like how with Valentines Day, only the villagers you have high friendship with gaveyou chocolates. On my main island all of my villagers gave me chocolates as well as Isabelle, but on my 2nd island only Agnes and Isabelle gave me chocolate, so I did like that even if you have no one on your island with high enough friendship, you still had Isabelle.
Agreed. They truly did her dirty in this game and new fans probably think she's really annoying. Meanwhile I'm sitting here like "no guys, she used to be useful, I swear! ;w;"NH really didn't do Isabelle any favours tbh - her rambling at the start of every new day is a bit wearing, and It really highlights the need for a more informative announcement of the islands visitors. It's mental that she is like, "no news today - oh wait, I found my missing sock!" when there is a unconscious seagull pirate washed up on the shores, or a camel selling carpets (who is very stealthy and hard to find on my mountainous forest island lol).
I agree her addition seemed like fan service - I don't think she needs to be cut or anything like that, she could easily be more useful simply with the changes to the announcements. But she also isn't my favourite character as I honestly find her a touch bland.
It reminds me of Varric in Dragon Age Inquisition. A fan favourite in the previous games (for good reason, he is a great character), who was also a companion in Inquisition. It didn't do the character any favours - he added little to the story and his personality paled in comparison to what players had experienced in the previous game. I mean, the change in his personality made sense story wise, but it was a shame that such a good character was brought back simply to be made sort of... forgettable?
This isn't to say I thought Isabelle was an amazing character in New Leaf, but she definitely had more personality, and slotted into the flow of the game a lot better.
Facts. You're speaking facts.Pah, “Isabelle’s announcements are annoying” isn’t an unpopular opinion, it’s a very popular opinion! It’s just a negative one.
A true unpopular opinion’s “While Isabelle’s announcements do get kinda repetitive and are in deep need of more variations as that’s kind of the problem, turning her into a glorified bulletin board that removes any need to look around and discover things, removes any characterisation she has, as well as potentially making Copper redundant if he’s ever added into the game, is a terrible idea”
NH really didn't do Isabelle any favours tbh - her rambling at the start of every new day is a bit wearing, and It really highlights the need for a more informative announcement of the islands visitors. It's mental that she is like, "no news today - oh wait, I found my missing sock!" when there is a unconscious seagull pirate washed up on the shores, or a camel selling carpets (who is very stealthy and hard to find on my mountainous forest island lol).
I agree her addition seemed like fan service - I don't think she needs to be cut or anything like that, she could easily be more useful simply with the changes to the announcements. But she also isn't my favourite character as I honestly find her a touch bland.
It reminds me of Varric in Dragon Age Inquisition. A fan favourite in the previous games (for good reason, he is a great character), who was also a companion in Inquisition. It didn't do the character any favours - he added little to the story and his personality paled in comparison to what players had experienced in the previous game. I mean, the change in his personality made sense story wise, but it was a shame that such a good character was brought back simply to be made sort of... forgettable?
This isn't to say I thought Isabelle was an amazing character in New Leaf, but she definitely had more personality, and slotted into the flow of the game a lot better.
I'm completely with you.Probably a weird one, but I'm not really a fan of waterfalls! I have three areas on my island where rivers flow from one level to another, therefore I have a grand total of three waterfalls. It seems to be super popular to decorate using dozens and dozens of them, and sure they can look pretty, but I dunno, it bugs me that they're usually just apparating out of nowhereLike why is there water just falling out of the sky everywhere? It's petty I know, but it's always seemed weird to me!