Splatoon Unpopular Splatoon opinions


- Gone -
Jul 17, 2015
I thought it could be interesting to make a thread where people can talk about unpopular Splatoon opinions, so yeah... Do you have any unpopular opinions?

For me, Clam Blitz and Rainmaker are my least favorite Ranked Battle modes. Clam Blitz isn't as fun as I thought at first and Rainmaker is pretty frustrating when you have a team where only one person seems to know what to do and help you out while the other two either run around and getting splatted by the enemy and just joking around (and getting splatted).

Also Pearl is as cool as Marina and she gets too much hate for nothing. I find her quite cute too.
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I do have quite a few, honestly.

-The Splatoon crew doesn't represent its international fans enough and the amount of Japan-exclusive gear is honestly sickening.

-Pearl is an adorable, feisty girl who honestly shouldn't get this much hate. She and Marina are both cute in their own ways.

-Not necessarily Splatoon related, but I really wanted to see a male singer/announcer. Pearl and Marina are cool and all, but I hope the next Splatoon has one girl and one guy.

-Dualies are absolute garbage and most dualie users are either very aggressive or very salty.

-The Octo Expansion had a really dumb storyline.
I do have quite a few, honestly.

-The Splatoon crew doesn't represent its international fans enough and the amount of Japan-exclusive gear is honestly sickening.

-Pearl is an adorable, feisty girl who honestly shouldn't get this much hate. She and Marina are both cute in their own ways.

-Not necessarily Splatoon related, but I really wanted to see a male singer/announcer. Pearl and Marina are cool and all, but I hope the next Splatoon has one girl and one guy.

-Dualies are absolute garbage and most dualie users are either very aggressive or very salty.

-The Octo Expansion had a really dumb storyline.

I agree with all here.

It sucks a lot that there is Japan-exclusive stuff. If they would only at least release it sometime later for the rest of the world, but nope. Does other countries besides Japan also got any stuff exclusive for their country? I think not, right?

Pearl in fact gets too much hate. Which I don't understand, she's not such a bad character as some people say. There are character which are far worse then her.

I really hope to be honest that there will be a pure male duo in the next Splatoon game. Nothing against the girls, but it would be something new to have two male singers/announcers this time, as also the songs would sound different. One boy and one girl would be nice too.

I tried to play with Dualies, I just can't work with them. And yeah, most of the time, when you meet players with Dualies, they are all about to splat you and your team. Like, you can't even walk one meter and they already come out of nowhere to attack you.

While I do like Octo Expansion, I must say that the story line was here and there... Well, yeah, kinda silly.
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I'm getting ready to punch Nintendo's entire ass if I don't get that damn exclusive GEAR!!!!

Squidbagging is stupid & unnecessary

Squid partying last minute of the game because your teammate thinks your team is gonna lose is dumber tho & makes me cry

I hate when you join a match & everyone in the room is squid partying. Just make your own room. Thank u
Hmm I have a few that are perhaps quite unpopular

- I don't actually mind squid partying. I find it kinda fun sometimes. However, it is quite annoying when I'm playing seriously. But sometimes it's nice seeing some comrade between opposing teams.

- Squidbagging is okay, unless you're doing it to provoke or mock people. I do it to people who are either a-holes, or people I know just for fun

- We need some more exclusive gear?? Nintendo get on that pls

- Once again, it's really annoying that Japan get all the exclusive stuff. It's been like that since Splatoon 1. Other countries want it too

- Rainmaker is my least favourite ranked battle and for a long time tower control was my favourite (idk if that's unpopular or not)

- Dynamo rollers suck, I cannot use them at all
Hmm I have a few that are perhaps quite unpopular

- I don't actually mind squid partying. I find it kinda fun sometimes. However, it is quite annoying when I'm playing seriously. But sometimes it's nice seeing some comrade between opposing teams.

- Squidbagging is okay, unless you're doing it to provoke or mock people. I do it to people who are either a-holes, or people I know just for fun

- We need some more exclusive gear?? Nintendo get on that pls

- Once again, it's really annoying that Japan get all the exclusive stuff. It's been like that since Splatoon 1. Other countries want it too

- Rainmaker is my least favourite ranked battle and for a long time tower control was my favourite (idk if that's unpopular or not)

- Dynamo rollers suck, I cannot use them at all

I’ve seen a trend of squid parties happening right before the rotation is about to end. I love those. Especially if I’ve been in the same rotation playing seriously/ham with the same people for a whole hour... it’s nice to mess around for the final round before we all get reshuffled. However, squid parties that happen for no reason or because two friends in a game don’t get put on the same team together can get real annoying real fast. I usually just turf enough to win and then leave afterwards. I’ve squid partied a lot with mochi but only because it seemed like everyone in the whole room was in on the squid partying. It’s not that fun if one or two people don’t want to do it and are forced to either participate or be that ******* who kills everyone :p (which is my dilemma most of the time)

I hate it when people squid bag me but it honestly makes me play better and I end up killing them more anyways. Adding onto what merry said about dualies... i’ve seen a lot of salty Dualie squidbaggers. Especially after they abuse their rolls and it doesn’t work to their favor. They really have no fear and get all up in your face. As a heavy splatling main, I love getting them when they try to out roll me lol. Also squid bagging at the end of a ranked game when you know ur gonna win is a NOOOO that annoys me so freakin much. Good thing i’ve never seen actual squid partiers in ranked.

I also don’t understand the hate on pearl. I usually end up choosing marina’s side because I like her options better, but I love pearl and her big forehead :<

Most meme posts on inkpolis suck. There’s so much trash on there. Lol
- Squidbagging and squid partying are so annoying and dumb. Like go and play private battles if
you want to fool around, some people would like to play this game without having annoying jerks
ruining their game, especially in Splatfests, which are already a pain in the butt on their own

- Players who fooling around in general and are the reason why a team lose just sucks so
much. Like, today, I had two players fooling around while me and another player got ripped
apart from the other team. Yeah, thanks guys for your "help"...

- The Dynamo roller is the worst

- I hate Tower control for certain reasons

- The fact that "exclusive gear" is a thing and only Japan gets them sucks so much. Like, hello,
Nintendo? How about justice for all and gave other countries their own exclusive gear too? Or
just give it out to everyone in first place and not making them exclusive at all???

- Marina is a little bit overrated. Ok, don't get me wrong, I like her, but yeah...
I haven't played splatoon in two months and i'm fairly new to the game but,

- Rollers&Brushes>> I can't use dualies or any type of splat gun for that matter ;w;
- Splat Zones is my least favorite ranked battle mode, although it is the one I do best in.
I hate chargers. Can?t deal with them.
People take this game too seriously, especially in ranked. (I say this is an unpopular opinion as I?m in S and think this)
Hero Weapons and Splat Weapons are underrated and have some of the best kits
Callie is the best announcer and Pearl is a close second. (Also Marina too I like her)
I didn?t like the original single player for Splatoon 2. It felt too... I dunno, forced? And wasn?t really challenging. I get it?s a kids game but come on.
Also I hate Marie with a passion. Don?t know why. I just can?t stand her.
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I hate that it's basically impossible for me to get back into the game after a month of not playing because I cannot practice ranked modes and I'm A+ in them all.

Sniping in turf war is lame and takes away what little fun can be had.

48 hour splatfests are kinda... obnoxious? I don't know, I end up missing ranked after I get the highest title.
Clam blitz is my absolute favorite part of this game by far. It's the only thing I can do on this game for an extended period of time without getting bored. I think this is unpopular opinion because most people I've come across tell me they don't like clam blitz. I only know one person that really likes it.
Clam blitz is my absolute favorite part of this game by far. It's the only thing I can do on this game for an extended period of time without getting bored. I think this is unpopular opinion because most people I've come across tell me they don't like clam blitz. I only know one person that really likes it.

I'm kinda surprised with the amount of people who don't like it, because I love it as well! I think it's really fun and I can often get a winning streak (which is rare for me lol). I guess people have had bad experiences with bad teammates; like most ranked modes you need good cooperation to win.

I also avoided ranked for the longest time in Splatoon 1, I hated it. I can get more into it with S2, but it's still too frustrating sometimes. I'm more of a casual player so I don't really care too much for ranked.

I don't really see the point in league battles since you can't work together with friends to rank up. It should've been like Splatoon 1 and then I might've actually played it.

I actually liked grinding for ability chunks for a while there. It was satisfying to complete me gear.
I'm kinda surprised with the amount of people who don't like it, because I love it as well! I think it's really fun and I can often get a winning streak (which is rare for me lol). I guess people have had bad experiences with bad teammates; like most ranked modes you need good cooperation to win.

I also avoided ranked for the longest time in Splatoon 1, I hated it. I can get more into it with S2, but it's still too frustrating sometimes. I'm more of a casual player so I don't really care too much for ranked.

I don't really see the point in league battles since you can't work together with friends to rank up. It should've been like Splatoon 1 and then I might've actually played it.

I actually liked grinding for ability chunks for a while there. It was satisfying to complete me gear.

Yeah I was just playing tower control last night and I lost so many times that I ranked down. Then it changed to clam blitz and I immediately started winning almost every game and I ranked up. That seemed like an extreme coincidence considering I'm not even bad at TC but I still couldn't win to save my life. But when I started playing clam blitz I was suddenly getting good teams almost every time and it was so much more fun.
The playable Octolings are overrated

Sorry but I'm sticking with the woomy

Also about Clam Blitz, the complaint I hear the most is not necessarily the mode itself but the people who play it. The mode is far more complex (at high levels at least) than any of the other modes and few players have a general understanding of the popular techniques. This makes it really hard to play with randoms and it frustrates many players, including me.

THIS is the reason why I personally don't like to play Clam Blitz on the regular ranked battles. But League battle is completely fine because you get to pick your teammates.
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Also about Clam Blitz, the complaint I hear the most is not necessarily the mode itself but the people who play it. The mode is far more complex (at high levels at least) than any of the other modes and few players have a general understanding of the popular techniques. This makes it really hard to play with randoms and it frustrates many players, including me.
Sometimes, it feels like people/randoms don't know what to do in Clam Blitz? Like, yesterday when
playing said mode, I had someone in my team who played as if it was Turf War. What sucks even
more is when the team doesn't work together as a team, like if someone has a power clam, instead
of helping that player and splat the enemies, the other three team members just haning around
somewhere else and hardly paying attention to the one with the power clam, which ends with the
fact that this player gets splatted and the power clam disappears, because nobody picks it up.

I mean, Clam Blitz is overall ok, if you have a team who knows what to do in this mode at least.
- Rainmaker sucks, it's my least favorite ranked mode

- Starting to squidbagging in the middle of the game is the dumbest thing people can do and it's
not funny --> The worst thing is when everyone (even your own team!) goes against you if you
don't join the squidbagging and you pretty much turn into a outsider (I had experience with this)

- In general, I'm not a fan of squidbagging

- People who start squidbagging after they splatted someone are jerks (however, it's funny when
those jerks are getting splatted in that time where they don't pay attention)

- Sometimes it feels like as if the game spamming way too many enemies at once in Salmon Run,
to a point where you can't react so fast to do anything and your whole team gets splatted within
a few seconds, which is just unfair. Just because you're an advanced player in SR doesn't mean
you can beat tons of enemies at once and it feels like as if the game doesn't understand this

- People who spamming "This way!" in SR and standing the whole time on one spot protecting an
egg till someone comes to pick it up are not helpful. Like instead of wasting time here, go and help
the others!

- I hate chargers so much

- Octo Expansion > the actual main story