I have a stonefruit allergy. Apples always made my mouth itch (as did cherries, peaches, and pears) but I never knew why. It wasn’t anything serious, just uncomfortable.
This summer I ate a nectarine and my eye became itchy and swollen. One side of my face swelled up and my throat felt scratchy. I ended up going to Urgent Care, where I was given prednisone for five days and told to take Claritin a few days after that. I was also referred to an allergist.
Well, I went to the allergist and explained everything. It was here I got allergy tested. I laid on the exam table as various allergens were rubbed into my bare back. After twenty minutes, parts of my back were REALLY itchy. The allergist explained these were the things I was allergic to, especially birch and oak pollen. (My back itched for a few day after.)
I was also given an Epi-Pen. Basically, I am to stay away from nectarines, even when cooked, but cooked apples are OK cooked since the proteins are broken down.
Now, I LOVE fruit, so this kind of sucks. But at least I like berries, bananas, and citrus fruits, so there are plenty of options.