Upcoming content! Easter Event, fishing tourney, and gulliver confirmed!


👻Spoopy all season long👻
Jun 25, 2014
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg

This is a sneak peek of an event uploaded on the animal crossing twitter. It looks to be Alice in wonderland themed!

According to data miners on reddit it?s another gardening event.


EDIT: thanks to the new update, we now know the Alice event is for Easter and we have images of the Prizes!

There is also a new fishing tourney confirmed that appears to take place in the river area this time.

And we have some new images of gulliver and prizes he gives out.

Here is a link to the data mine so you can see it all for yourself!
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Please let it have a backgrounds as prizes. I'm stumped about not getting the ones from Leif's and the Underwater background is ridiculously expensive. :p

I actually like the gardening events a ton. :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

I wonder who the host is? Probably Zipper lol
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WHAT. Damn it, I definitely have to get those items. I'm so tired of gardening, but oh well. The sacrifices I make for digital items...
I want them to have the satisfaction of finishing another event. But I don't want to do the event! But the stuff looks decent. But I wish we spiced it up a bit with another new type of event.
The prizes look so cool! But blah to a gardening event. I like the social aspect of it but it is stressful and time consuming. I much prefer the collection challenges. The fish tourney was fun too. I hope there isn’t a magnificent background costing tickets because I was saving up fir the underwater back grounds.
I don't feel like I ever have enough time with these events to earn all of the prizes. Or, rather, I wind up making time by playing more often simply because there is an event going on. I wouldn't mind another gardening one, but I think something having to do with the bugs on Sunburst Island would be cool. Maybe introducing some new beetles.
Perhaps a blue variation on the card series?
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Well, since it's ridiculously easy / faster to garden.. I say Bring it on!
Edit. Because of the gardening update
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I like the gardening events. Not jazzed about card furniture. Hopefully, there’ll be something I like.
I feel that they do gardening events too often but I really like the look of those prizes. I wanttt
I'm drowning in events, I just need time to chill after the last gardening event before I'm playing on my phone religiously every minute of the day ensuring that I manage to collect all the limited time items!
It's the themes they're killing me with. First underwater, now Alice in Wonderland? It's like they're pulling my favorites right out of my brain. Making it utterly unimportant what kind of event it is because I'll do it no matter what.